Chapter 248

Jeremiah felt a multitude of emotions as he took on the task of searching for a wife for Barrett.

He remembered how Barrett and Aurora's marriage was once celebrated with great fanfare, full of glory and anticipation. Many in the court had high hopes for them. Even the common people sang praises of their love, feeling sympathy and admiration for Aurora, who, despite her remarkable achievements, was willing to accept the status of a secondary wife,

Barrett was also praised. Even though he was deeply in love with Aurora, he didn't forget his rightful wife and managed to secure Aurora's position as a secondary wife. The victory at Victory Pass had clouded everyone's judgment, leading to wild celebrations and a loss of reason.

However, as the excitement faded, people began to see the dirt hidden beneath the beautiful facade of their stories. It eventually came to light that Barrett's primary wife was even more outstanding than Aurora. People started to recall the Duke of Northwatch's family's great contributions and the tragedy that had befallen them.

Yet, Carissa never received fair treatment in public opinion. She was surrounded by various controversies. For instance, when accusations of her being negligent toward her parents arose, people seemed to forget her significant contributions at the Southern Frontier battlefield. They buzzed around her like flies, only for the Astrology Department's minister to clarify the situation later.

Back then, Aurora was able to remain in the military. In contrast, Carissa held a nominal position as the deputy commander of the Mystic Army, which didn't require her to actively serve.

It was clear Salvador had no intention of granting Carissa an actual command position.

which was enough for him. Carissa had originally been what remained of the Duke of Northwatch's family, but now that Ryan had been found, the Duke of Northwatch's title had a successor. However, the family members were still sparse, and Salvador was reluctant to risk further lives from the

this intention, other matters could be left


news immediately, as Anthony


but we must wait for the Marquis of Highcrest to return to discuss it. By the way, does the residence have a physician?" Anthony's wife, Sophia, replied, "We do have a physician in the residence. The matriarch has been ill for a long time

that case, Madam

by this suggestion. With the men still on duty and away from the residence, it was left to the female members of the household to make decisions, which

the deaths of her son-in-law and daughter. The news made her heart race, and she felt she might need a Heartshield Pill herself. Sophia first sent for the household physician and then dispatched

Though it was good news, the need for a physician hinted at something

feared that the excitement of the good news might trigger a heart attack. He wanted to ensure that the male members of

he reconsidered due to the number of people there. Discussing the matter in such a crowded place, especially with Ryan still not back

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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