When Rafael saw Carissa on the Southern Frontier battlefield, his emotions were a whirlwind of complexity.

He would often, almost subconsciously, bring up her husband, but she would avoid the topic. That was when he realized that Barrett might not be treating her well.

This thought alone had made his fists clench countless times.

It wasn't until later that he learned she had divorced. Barrett hadn't recognized her worth.

It was absurd!

Rafael committed the name to memory-Barrett Warren, a man unworthy of the gift of sight.

The fury Rafael felt then was so intense that he wished he could gouge out Barrett's eyes for causing her such pain,

After the anger subsided, Rafael felt a surge of selfish joy, though he carefully masked it. He couldn't let anyone know he was secretly celebrating.

During the days they fought side by side, he had to constantly conceal his feelings. He had to remind himself repeatedly not to let even a trace of personal emotion show in his eyes. Three years on the Southern Frontier battlefield saw his emotions rise and fall, only to rise again.

Even when he returned to the capital and faced the manipulations of his elder brother, Rafael didn't mind. There was no war, and he didn't care about military power-he only wanted her.

He understood Savaldor's suspicions, but that was how relationships between royal siblings were-never entirely pure. There would always be a mix of mistrust and brotherly affection. As long as they maintained the appearance of harmony, it was enough.

deteriorated into nothing but suspicion and resentment, he would simply take Carissa and Ryan to his fief, far from the capital. The king may reign high

at Carissa just in

eyes met, and his

heart sank. She realized she had developed feelings for him, while his heart belonged to someone

to her?

to get by.

enduring a failed marriage, she would fall

face suddenly flush as red as a sunset, and asked curiously, "My lady, why is your face so

cup, lowering her head to drink

didn't know when to hold her

Chapter 269

the curve of


he didn't spoil the boy, it would be a testament to his own lack of heart. Perhaps there really was some divine intervention

thought too much about it if things were different. After all, the Duke of Northwatch's family had been wiped out, and Carissa was the only one left. However, because of Rafael's strong obsession, he was convinced that it was indeed Ryan, and he went after the boy without any hesitation. However, the chaotic circumstances eventually caused him to lose track of Ryan. In the end,

had decided to bring him and

liked to think that was the

over him. He knew, in his heart, that he wasn't inferior to Barrett. Setting aside social status, Rafael knew he surpassed Barrett in martial prowess,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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