Chapter 276

The elderly woman wore a stone-blue brocade coat with cloud patterns, and held a small metal hot water bottle. She appeared to be in her fifties, with streaks of gray in her hair, which was neatly styled in an immaculate updo. Her demeanor exuded a sense of authority and respect.

In contrast, her daughter was dressed simply. Beneath a white fur coat, she wore an apricot-yellow gown. In her twenties, she was quite beautiful, but her face carried a faint, melancholic air. Without the touch of color in her dress, her overall demeanor might have seemed even more aged than her mother's.

After inviting them to sit, Carissa explained, "A few days ago, Ryan was undergoing treatment when you sent the invitation, Madam Prince. I was unable to meet with you then and was worried about being impolite, so I asked someone to decline on our behalf. Now that he is much better, I wanted to invite you both to the residence and express my gratitude for your concern for Ryan."

Evelyn inquired, "How is the young lord now?"

"He is much improved. Thank you for keeping him in your thoughts," Carissa replied.

Evelyn smiled, and said, "I know your family has everything it needs, but we've recently acquired a rare herbal tonic and thought it would benefit the young lord's health.”

As she spoke, one of the maids brought forward a brocade box and bowed to


hope you will

gift? I am already deeply- grateful

of Silverstone's family," Evelyn insisted, with a hint of both

the past, we have always respected the Duke of Northwatch. Hearing that the young lord is still among us brings us great happiness. If you do not accept it, it will seem as if you are looking down upon


could you tell us why you parted ways with Barrett? Is there an issue with his character or

remained stubborn. "I know I am being presumptuous, but I still ask Lady Sinclair to speak


Does your name also mean 'yew? How interesting," Carissa responded with a smile, trying to

flower, which symbolizes modesty and faithfulness, similar to the symbolic nature of the yew tree. You mentioned 'also'. Who else in your family has the name

that's not quite the same, then. I was talking about my late sister-in-law.

deceased sister-in-law, Viola's attitude

quietly, "I

lightly and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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