Aurora couldn't bring herself to meet Carissa's gaze, as cold and sharp as a blade. Every word Carissa spoke was unpleasant to hear, yet not a single one was untrue.

Aurora had been desperate to achieve something. After the battle at Victory Pass, she believed she had. succeeded, and that she had done so with exceptional merit. No longer just the daughter of an old soldier, she was now a general in her own right.

She looked down on everyone and felt superior, but deep down, she knew she was still insignificant. Otherwise, with her accomplishments, she wouldn't have been relegated to the position of Barrett's secondary wife.

Most people wouldn't have accepted such a fate.

Aurora's acceptance was driven by two reasons-her deep affection for Barrett, as well as the realization that, without her achievements, she would never be able to reach the heights of the Warren family. She dismissed the trivialities of domestic struggles, claiming she wanted women to excel on the battlefield, contributing to the kingdom through war and conquest. She said these things to Barrett, who believed them and looked at her with admiration.

Needing Barrett to see her as different, she achieved this by sleeping with him before returning to the capital, securing her place in the Warren family.

Though Carissa had been Barrett's primary wife back then, Aurora hadn't considered her a threat. Carissa was just a highborn lady, obedient to propriety, governed by rules, and overly demure. Boring, really.

on her career.

tiger? As Aurora's thoughts drifted, Frederick returned with the promissory note and a stamp pad. He handed them to her

their eyes met, an inexplicable shiver ran through her. She didn't dare delay, hastily pressing her

the promissory note away and looked at the young woman leaning against the

"My lady, don't be upset. Indifference is the strongest armor-no one

her eyes lowered as she spoke softly, "Frederick, I'm fine. I was just thinking about how lively the house used to be when everyone was still here." Frederick's mood

shell of its former self. The title remained, but the people

let herself dwell on the past for long.

with Ryan, knowing that such a commotion would have reached him. After all, Aurora's cries had echoed through the corridors as she was dragged

diligently. His face

sound of his aunt's footsteps, Ryan looked up and greeted her cheerfully, "Aunt

still somewhat hoarse, and he could only manage short sentences before becoming strained. However, he was putting in great effort, and Carissa believed he would soon speak as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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