Chapter 318

Jacob's face remained expressionless as he issued an order to the guards.

"Escort His Highness back to entertain the guests. He is not to leave the estate until tomorrow evening. when the wedding procession begins. If he leaves before then, all the guards will have their salaries docked for three months."

With Jacob's command, the guards all turned their hawk-like eyes to Rafael, forcing him to step back. Slowly, Rafael retreated, getting increasingly further from the entrance. Rafael rolled his eyes. "What are you all trying to do? I just had a bit too much to drink while entertaining the guests. I wanted to go out and get some fresh air to sober up." Jacob gave another order. "Bring a bucket of hangover remedy for the princel"

A whole bucket...?!

Rafael glared at Jacob furiously, but Jacob remained unmoved, his heart as hard as a stone. Even if Rafael looked at him like he wanted to gouge his eyes out, it didn't faze Jacob.

Luke, who had been running around non-stop, came jogging over. Despite the cold weather, he was sweating from all the work and used a handkerchief to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

"Your Highness, can't you just give everyone a break? Who goes running to the bride's house the day before the wedding? People would laugh at you if they heard about it!"

"Fine, whatever. Stop nagging." Rafael waved him off irritably. "I'll go back and have a few more drinks with Davis. That old guy's been here for two meals already, and while everyone else has left, he's still drinking."

"Hey, you can't say that! Keep your voice down. Mr. Lloyd came as a sign of respect," Luke whispered.

could somehow seal Rafael's mouth shut. These past few days, the usually composed prince had been saying things that were bound to

the attention, changing outfits five or six times a day and swapping out

much she flaunted, there were only the other noble concubines looking at her. Or perhaps when visiting Victoria, Helen might show off a bit

the palace, it was a different story

countless officials. Over the past two days of hosting banquets, Helen had barely managed to

in her presence greatly satisfied Helen's vanity. With the new daughter-in-law yet to enter the household,

Chapter 318


was always hosting banquets,

Eleanor. After the wedding, she planned to visit the makeup shop. She wanted to figure out why the business had been doing so poorly for

They were probably waiting until the wedding day to make their appearance. Trevor

event tomorrow.

showing off with several outfit changes, Helen decided she had done enough for the day and headed to the newlywed's suite for a quick

where everything


two or three times, hadn't blossomed yet, which

still didn't make

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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