Upon hearing Carissa's obedient response, Adrian extended his hand and beckoned her over. "Come here."

Carissa obediently walked over, and Adrian reached out to flick the tip of her nose.

"Ouch!" Carissa exclaimed. "Sage Adrian, that hurt."

"Punishment!" Adrian said sternly. "This is a mild punishment for not speaking up when needed."

A flicker of pain crossed Carissa's eyes, but she quickly masked it. "Understood. It won't happen again." Adrian noticed her fleeting expression of distress, and sighed inwardly. The hardships that his youngest apprentice had endured were too painful. He couldn't start thinking about them, or it would be too taxing on his heart.

He took her hand, guiding her to sit beside him.

"Rafael's character and virtue far surpass Barrett's. I believe he won't let you down or treat you poorly. But remember, the world is ever-changing, and so are people. In the past, he might have cherished you more because he couldn't have you. Now that he's married you, there's no guarantee he won't grow tired and look elsewhere. Men are unreliable. Even if you like him, don't trust him entirely. Understand?" Carissa's fifth guild senior, Isaac Prince, nodded vigorously in agreement. "Yes, men are all untrustworthy. They're disgusting. We can't trust them completely, or you might end up with a scoundrel..." "Be quiet!" Kyle tapped Isaac on the forehead.

Kyle thought Adrian's words were enough to unsettle Carissa, and didn't think it was wise to scare her further. But since Adrian was present, he dared not contradict him. He was surprised to see Isaac echoing Adrian's sentiments.

Violet, who was listening nearby, couldn't help but laugh. "Five, you're a man yourself. How can you be so disgusted by men?"

skilled in both music and using musical instruments as weapons. Known as Five due to his position in the Pathfinders Guild, his face turned cold as he responded, "How could I not be disgusted? That's why I avoid

only made excuses for yourself," Violet scoffed. "Everyone knows you love to linger in brothels. You

a hint of nervousness. "Stop talking nonsense. If Sage Everett hears you, I won't let you

shrugged. "No risk,

turned away with a blank

find that I don't even like

heading back to the Pathfinders Guild tomorrow. If you have anything to say to Carissa, say it


Chapter 364


Carissa's marriage, it was inappropriate for him to

one at a time, offering advice rather than speaking in unison. Ultimately, their words served to remind her that no matter what happened, she still had

Carissa in her arms, and the older woman was moved to tears.

seven-year-old girl, her hair styled in two pigtails, dressed in a little blue dress. She

first began her martial arts training and struggled with basic movements, Winona had carried her back to their

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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