To prevent Avis from becoming too agitated again, Ivy administered acupuncture to calm her nerves and instructed her to get a good night's sleep. She also prescribed some sedative medicine that needed to be taken for the next couple of days.

Upon reading the divorce agreement, Violet became so enraged that she smashed a table.

The nuns from Verdant Monastery came to offer a simple meal. Ivy had them bring it over, and they dined in the side courtyard.

According to Ivy, the head of Verdant Monastery was a kind-hearted person who had a lot of sympathy for Avis. The other nuns did not intrude and provided plenty of food and drink, though they could not offer meat due to their dietary restrictions.

"Given Aunt Avis' current condition, she can't even drink a bit of broth with meat. How can she manage?" Carissa expressed her concern.

"If she were to drink it, she wouldn't be able to keep it down," Ivy, who was dressed in coarse cloth and thick cotton garments, replied, shaking her head. "She's been unable to drink broth for a while now, even back when she was living in Horizon Estate. Even the smell of meat makes her uncomfortable. She's been vegetarian for some time due to various reasons."

The information Ivy shared was consistent with what Violet had told Carissa.

Avis had one son and two daughters. The son was not her biological child, though she had raised him. He was grateful to her, but he had yet to achieve anything significant.

biological children, but they proved to be of little help. Resenting Avis for not being favored by Yuvan, they turned their allegiance to Fiona. She provided them with fine clothing and luxurious food, as

prominent one, surpassing Avis' now-diminished family. Avis had always been

details, "Lady Sabrina rarely pays any attention to Lady Avis. Even when

held some respect and devotion for her mother. She occasionally helped with Lady Avis' medicine. Still, she speaks unpleasantly and shows great disdain if Lady Avis'

all the maids and

by Lady Fiona. They've all been replaced with her own people. The maid who came to the monastery with Lady Avis is also

Avis, their expressions were devoid of any concern, indicating that

about Prince Yuvan?" Carissa asked, her eyes flashing with a cold

Ivy snorted derisively. "Since

arrived at Horizon Estate, we haven't seen him step into Lady

times. Even when

he wishes she would die sooner. I've seen cruelty before, but this is beyond anything I've

now, why does he still want a divorce? And getting divorce is not so simple for a prince.

to sons and jealousy didn't seem like valid

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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