Chapter 407

Carissa responded with a thoughtful hum

"If an ordinary women thought that way, I'd understand. But the Spencer family is a prestigious family from Ebonflow with a century long unbroken lineage, though their marriage matters are complicated because of your aunt's elopement. Still, you're from a prominent family yourself. Why ding to someone with a higher status? Wouldn't marrying into a lower status family so you'd hold more authority in the marriage be a more comfortable life?

That's why I say she's foolish," Violet said, fastening the Mystic Pearl earrings on Carissa. Yuvan's interest in the Spencer family isn't as simple as it seems. He's already left the capital this morning I wonder how he'll handle your aunts funeral."

Have people been sent to keep watch?" Carissa asked.

"They have," Violet said, pinching Carissa's cheek. "Smile a little. You haven't smiled much these days. If had descendants, I'd want them to smile every day even after I'm gone."

Carlosa swatted her hand away. "You don't even have a husband. Where would your descendants come from?"

Finding a good man is like looking for a needle in a haystack, Violet said, though her tone was listless. She had no interest in marriage at


Canosa might have married well, but the royal family was full of ridiculous troubles that she wouldn't have it easy with

for Violet. Well, no man could match her, and she was quite

being hosted. Soon, it was the fifteenth day

celebrations and festivals, and Rafael planned to take Carissa

freezing rain began to

been easier to manage, but freezing

to be canceled. Instead,

was the head of the Supreme Court, he was also the commander of the Capital Guard and was extremely busy. He even had to

bone-chillingly cold, with water

Helen had previously moved. There

also collapsed halfway, bringing down part of the wall

great efficiency, overseeing the orderly. clearing of fallen branches and broken bricks. Repairs would have

The long-awaited fireworks were

and with the added. burden of the freezing rain disaster it was obvious the public was frustrated. Moreover, disasters often attracted looters. With everything in such disarray, many families had their belongings stolen and complained to the

of Justice and the Supreme Court to handle the flood of cases. However, there were many who took advantage of the situation, claiming losses they hadn't


a month for all the official departments to get things

way to Valken, with many homes crushed under the weight. The government had to spend money to provide disaster relief, offering temporary shelter to those who had lost their homes

and food

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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