Meredith was far from being put off by Carissa and Violet's unexpected visit. In fact, she welcomed them with great warmth and enthusiasm.

"I should have sent a formal notice of our visit, but it was an urgent matter. I hope you will forgive our impromptu arrival," Carissa apologized.

Meredith smiled. "Why make such formalities between us? It's a pleasure to have you here. Just so happens that today, Henrietta is also my guest. She overindulged and upset her stomach. She's currently in the restroom, but you'll see her shortly."

"What are you talking about? Meredith, don't speak nonsense."

At this moment, Henrietta entered with her attendants. She was holding her stomach and clearly still felt unwell, but her retort to Meredith was forceful.

Meredith laughed. "Oh, Henrietta, you want to keep up appearances just because Carissa is here. Even if you refuse to admit it, you're still a glutton, and Kiera's just following your lead."

Carissa, Violet, and Rowan greeted her.

"Greetings, Princess Henrietta."

Henrietta responded with a respectful nod. "Please, sit down. Why stand? Carissa, why do you look so pale today? Has someone bullied you?"

Carissa took a seat and explained the situation regarding their visit to Gracehold Estate, detailing everything straightforwardly, including Violet's confrontation with the courtesan. Henrietta cast an approving glance at Violet. "Well done!"

on the table, she exclaimed, "What kind of audacious woman dares to provoke the primary wife like that? If she disregards even a princess consort, it's clear how poor Leona must have been treated in the household! Now, even pregnant, Leona

Meredith understood the purpose

anger, but she maintained her composure. As her father-in-law was the Oversight Minister, it required her to be measured in her responses.

down? I can't possibly calm

but she deeply understood the struggles faced by women. As a princess, she lived a life of luxury, but she had also been exposed to the hardships faced by the

"there are regulations governing it. However the world is ruled

Laws exist


men often

adhere to them.

take concubines if his primary wife is over

practice, the law

was already a challenge. As for the wealthy merchants with multiple concubines hidden away

from a superior as a plaything wasn't exactly

the issue of concubines would hardly lead to action, as

officials were explicitly forbidden from visiting entertainment parlors-a rule the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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