The news of Carissa's anger towards Heather reached Helen's ears.

After calling Lulu in to get the full story, Helen was furious.

"Who wouldn't be infuriated by such behavior? It's only because Carissa is younger that she put up with Lady Heather. If I were there, I'd have slapped her a few times myself!

"Hurry, get the kitchen chefs to prepare some sweet treats- No, better yet, go buy an assortment of pastries from the best bakery in the capital. Cheer Carissa up. Don't let her stay angry and make herself ill over such spineless people. It's not worth it to ruin her health over them."

Helen's maid, Mindy, hurriedly prepared to buy the treats, but Violet said, "I'll go. I'm quick on my feet."

"Yes, you should go, Violet," Helen said anxiously.

She had seen her daughter-in-law angry before, but this time, Carissa's frustration with Heather was something she couldn't express. It was like when Helen was extremely annoyed with her sister but dared not show it.

No, it wasn't quite the same. Victoria was reasonable and had Helen's best interests at heart, whereas Heather didn't even care about her own daughter. How could Heather compare to Victoria? Even after returning to Orchid Hall, Carissa was still fuming and couldn't calm down.

Was it because they were afraid of being sent to their fief that they had to be so humble? They were even willing to discard the dignity of a prince and make Leona suffer as they did?

be strong, but Heather was not. Instead, she was even weaker than ordinary people. Her parents' weakness directly contributed to Leona's soft nature, leaving her unable to stand firm even as a

entering with Helen's arm linked through hers. Violet carried a red box in her other hand. Carissa stood up and asked, "Mother, what brings

"Lady Helen was worried you'd make yourself ill with anger. She asked me to get an assortment of pastries from the best bakery in

treats one at a time. While the kitchen chef made great pastries, the old, renowned bakery

help but chuckle as she looked at the delicious and beautiful pastries. Still, she was somewhat

Mother. I'll

mouth. Despite her frustration, which made

"It's delicious."

valuable was her mother-in-law's thoughtfulness. Knowing Carissa was

Seeing her daughter-in-law smile,

She doesn't have a spine to speak of. So what if

much more


than going

They live in a subdued manner, always deferring to others, and they don't dare challenge even an

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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