The woman's face was pale, her hair and clothes drenched by the rain. Clearly embarrassed by her disheveled appearance, she used her sleeve to cover her face and murmured to Carissa, "Thank you. Thank you so much."

"No need to thank me," Carissa said. "Are you hurt badly?"

"Not too badly... Oh!" The woman shifted her foot and winced as a sharp pain shot through her left ankle, letting out a cry of discomfort.

"It seems like you might have twisted your ankle," Carissa observed. She helped support the woman, and the maid rushed over to assist as well. However, the maid's hands were covered in blood, likely from scraping them on the rough ground during the fall. Carissa frowned, and said, "My carriage is just up ahead. I have some medicine and ointment in it. Why don't you come with me, and I can take care of you there."

The woman hesitated. "W-Wouldn't that be too much trouble? And I still don't know your name."

Carissa replied, "My name is Carissa. We've met before."

The woman in question was Kayla, who had tried to help Viola at The Golden Tower. After returning from Meadow Ridge, Carissa had visited Elderglen Estate with her mother and had seen Kayla there.

Hearing Carissa's name, Kayla lowered her sleeve and looked at her more closely. "Oh, it's you, Your Grace. I'm sorry for my rudeness."

"Lady Kayla, let's get you into my carriage for some care. There are more carriages arriving behind us," Carissa said.

"Thank you. I'm so sorry for the trouble," Kayla replied.

position. As a widow, she feared scandal and unwanted gossip. Her current state might attract unwanted speculation. Violet also hurried over. She helped Carissa support Kayla. In the


others were not with them today, the carriage, though accommodating

but she refrained from mentioning the events

Kayla immediately remembered

as the latter


crossed and watching the drama


offered an awkward explanation, "I was really interested in that

in it too. It's

her attempt to explain. She should

both sensing that Kayla must not have been out socializing for a while, as she seemed preoccupied with the incident from The Golden Tower. Violet attended to the maid, cleaning the bloodstains and applying medicine.

swelling around her ankle, Carissa asked, "Lady Kayla, could you gently move your

lightly and letting out a pained hiss. "It

is from Arcane Sanctum and is quite effective for pain relief. However, because it's

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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