Chapter 226

“Exactly! Just look at how this funeral has become the talk of the town. Old Mr. Sorelle indeed hadn’t doted on you for nothing.”

A humble grin spread across Joseline’s face as she lay in Hanson’s embrace.

“This is the least I can do for Grandpa. I only hope he can rest in peace.”

That had always been her forte—to put on a filial act so flawlessly when the situation called for it.

Nevertheless, Angeline was not even mentioned throughout their entire exchange.

As Hanson watched Joseline’s pretentious behavior, a wave of disgust assailed his heart. “I’ll head over there to help out. You can keep our relatives company.


With a smile playing on her lips, Joseline wore her usual look of a considerate wife as she suggested, “Hanson, you must be tired after helping me for so long. Why don’t you go rest up for a bit in the lounge first? I’ve got this covered.”


Hanson shot the woman a meaningful glance and could not help scoffing inwardly.

Joseline must’ve spent a lot of effort to get her hands on Sorelle Group. To think that she’d hold such a grand funeral for her grandpa—she must be desperate to show the world how dutiful she is.

At the thought of that, Hanson unwittingly caught a glimpse of Angeline not far away among the crowd. There the woman was, holding the hands of a boy and a girl on each side, seemingly trying to keep a low profile.

Hanson could not help but feel sorry. He then paced steadily toward Angeline.

At that point in time, Angeline was in a dilemma after hearing Floretta’s bizarre question.

“Look, Angel, that’s Old Mr. Sorelle’s photo right there. But why haven’t I seen him anywhere? We’re celebrating his birthday, are we not? Why’s everyone crying?”

Floretta looked up at Angeline, her big, round eyes shining with puzzlement.

to well up in her eyes

hand and anxiously gestured for the

her head, looking even

around before patiently explaining the matter to the little girl, “It’s not that, Floretta. Do you see the crystal coffin over there? Grandpa will be staying inside it

“Then, will I be

sure he’ll be back to visit all of us,” comforted Angeline gently, but

the heart to tell Floretta the hard truth, so she

sudden, Sebastian reached out to hug both of them. Even though he did not utter a word, he was patting their shoulders very lightly the whole

as they were and was glad that he was able to feel that

moment, a warm, male voice rang out. “Why didn’t you guys come over

senses. She lifted her head and landed her

“Hello, Mr. Yiurk.”

he heard the way Angeline addressed him. “Actually, Angeline, you don’t have to be so

we’re not that

was polite yet distant

his chest. Still, he held back his words in the end. All he

gathered in front. You’re also one of the granddaughters, so

if not that wife

sullen look on Hanson’s face. Outraged, the man went through

to do this? Come

it.” Angeline seemed rather indifferent as if she did not actually care at all. “I did come late with Sebastian and Floretta. Besides, we’re only here to mourn Grandpa, not to be

Helpless, he apologized, “I’m sorry that you had to go

changed. He used to be so confident in the

the place. Without conscious thought, she curled her lips into a sneer, and

Wilfred was still alive, Joseline had not even bothered to get him a

finally went six feet under, only to

to visit Wilfred when he was on his deathbed. The only thing they had ever cared about was how they could profit

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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