Chapter 246

Standing at the door was a thin and small figure. He was looking at the scene in front cluelessly.

Little did he know his appearance created a commotion in the court.

Angeline's expression froze instantly when she spotted the kid. “Sebastian?”

She abruptly got up from the chair, stabilizing herself by holding onto the back of the chair. She was staring at Sebastian in utter surprise.

Isn't he supposed to be at the amusement park? How come he's here?

When David noticed Sebastian, hope appeared in his eyes. He shouted. “Come here, my son! Tell them I've never hit you, or I'll be put behind bars!”

Sebastian raised his head and looked at David, which instantly triggered him, causing him to have difficulty breathing. Beads of sweat even started to secrete on his forehead.

Elated, the woman beside David waved at Sebastian and added. “Yeah, come to us, Sebastian.”

They were putting a lot of pressure on Sebastian with their attitude, prompting the kid to keep walking backward as fear engulfed his whole being.

Noticing the expression on Sebastian's face, the worried Angeline left her seat and shouted in the judge's direction, “That's enough! The trial's over. Hurry and lock them up!” She then jogged toward Sebastian, reached out. and cautiously pulled him into her embrace. “Shh, I'm here,” she consoled.

Despite what Angeline said, the judge was still contemplating the case instead of directly giving liis verdict.

David and liis wife an opening to exact revenge, especially when they

deliberately stated, “I'm your biological father, sweet child. Don't trust

Sebastian's heart, and as though he recalled a terrifying memory, liis

She then reached out a hand to caress Sebastian's back gently. “Don't be afraid, Sebastian. I'm here. Stay with

face was dotted with sweat. Immediately after that, he

“Sebastian!” Angeline shouted.

felt as if her whole strength had left her body and she

Sebastian lost consciousness, the atmosphere in the court became chaotic. The judge stood

Get an ambulance! And put those criminals in

was not until the ambulance arrived at the court did Angeline return to her senses and walk out while carrying Sebastian

kid's face, and his body showed signs of turning

rage in

she commanded die

for die child's treatment,” comforted the driver, which successfully calmed Angeline's pounding

the ambulance arrived

fans—holding placards—were standing outside the entrance of die hospital. There were so many of them

she clenched her fists, a glint of coldness flashed across

people won't appear at the hospital for no reason, especially at such a time. Also,

once again fell into their

can't get out because they blocked the way.

she realized the severity of the situation. She tided her best to cahn

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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