Chapter 253

Even though Angeline had been in the entertainment industry for many years, there was still a moment of hesitation as she turned on the phone. One tiling was for sure, she needed to steel herself for what was to come.

Once her phone had booted up, she was immediately flooded with countless missed calls from several companies. From the looks of it, even the bigwigs who seldom showed up in public had also come crawling out of the woodwork.

Nancy, too, had texted her: I'll handle tilings back at the office, so don't show yourself for the time being. Try to keep it on the down-low for as long as you can. That said, you should prepare yourself for having your contract terminated by the company. I'll do my best to fight for your compensation package!

Upon realizing the gravity of the situation, Angeline felt tears welling up in her eyes.

After all these years, the thing that worries me the most has finally happened. I've been with this company since my debut, and I wouldn't have gone from being an influencer to an A-list celebrity if it weren't for their help. Alas, I've caused irreparable damage this time around. I suppose one could even say I've ruined my own reputation... The company directors must be so riled up that they're ready to cut off all ties with me!


Just as Angeline was still immersed in her thoughts, the phone in her hand suddenly rang again.

She instinctively held it up, only to realize a new article had popped onto her social media feed.

Breaking news! Golding Group held a press conference earlier today, and Old Mrs. Golding attended with the granddaughter-in­law of her choice—Olivine Sherrock. She's also announced that Evander Golding and Olivine Sherrock will be tying the knot on the fifteenth of the following month!

Having read the article in full, Angeline staggered back and began trembling uncontrollably.

Tying the knot? Wait a minute... Didn't Evander tell me he has already called off his engagement with Olivine? Has he been lying to me this whole time? Did he also give the green light for this press conference?

A hint of doubt flashed across Angelinas eyes as she unwittingly clicked on the video embedded in the article.

The next second, Valerie's voice boomed out. “Hello, everyone. As you know, the Golding family is one of the most prestigious families, so naturally, I have to find a granddaughter-in-law who's well-matched with my grandson. There's no way I'll let those scheming and scandalous female celebrities taint my family's legacy.”

undeniably bold, and she had mercilessly destroyed the image of the acting industry with just her

the power she held, it went without saying

also tell that Valerie's hurtful words

lady in all aspects. Besides, we've

Angeline's ears became so loud that

Valerie holding Olivine's hands lovingly, yet to her, the entire scene

she had been drained of every ounce of her strength. Angeline had to press her hand on the table


rumors that the unscrupulous media companies fabricated

drawing away angrily and stomped her feet. “How dare they! Ms. Sherrock has gone too far. I can't believe she's bribed Great-grandma again to

was, she quickly hugged the latter's leg and cried

to Ms. Sherrock every day. but he's always turned it down. I'm sure

somewhat comforted and

always been against

Golding Group, Evander had just returned to his office after a

the time he turned on the television, the press conference had ended, but the damage was already

replay, the colder and darker liis gaze

such a stunt behind my back while I was

knock on the door.

few seconds later, he was hit by a

Evander thundered, his face absolutely livid. “Wliat the hell have you been doing? Why would

Sylas was

news,” he explained. “From

couldn't help but narrow liis eyes

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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