Chapter 262

Product launch...

Angeline's expression turned grim when she heard the words.

After pondering a moment, she replied candidly, “It's not difficult, but what are you trying to achieve?”

Jonathan's finger tapped on the glass in an irregular rhythm as he kept her in suspense.

“A scheme loses its intrigue once it's revealed. You might as well wait with anticipation for it.”

His words elicited a light chuckle from Angeline, as she couldn't help but be amazed at how cautious he was.

By choosing to hide it even from me, does he think that I'll wreck his plan?

However, the more secretive someone was, the more cause there was for concern.

“Fine. I don't need to know, but remember, I'm not going to do anything for free.”

Angeline spoke in a firm yet professional tone as she negotiated the terms.

Since Jonathan was keeping things from her. there was no need for her to be particularly considerate. After all, they were nothing more than just business partners.

Even though she was open to collaborating with him and providing him support, safeguarding her own interests remained her priority.

Given how shrewd both parties were, Jonathan let out a reciprocal laugh as he raised his glass to clink with hers.

In a relaxed tone, he reassured her, “Don't worry. I'm well aware of the rules of the game and share the same goal as you. Besides, you can expand your- business network further through the product launch. What's there not to be happy about?”

His words struck a chord with Angeline. After- analyzing it in her mind, she agreed with his assessment.

Now tliat her concerns were allayed, she raised her glass at him.

tliat case... To

deny that her collaboration with Jonathan was a fruitful one so

he was a crafty man who seemed to be driven by

internal matters of Golding Group, she knew

figured that he was probably someone more powerful than she

just tliat she was under Evander's protection back then, hence the lack

to tread carefully,

find out more about his background

to buy some fresh ingredients, which she used to cook a few simple dishes and make some cartoon-based

he no longer needed to stick to liquid food. Therefore, Angeline decided

Anna Bearbock, had just finished their counseling session.

“Hello. Ms. Sorelie.”

approaching footsteps caused Arma to

Dr. Bearbock. I brought Sebastian some food. Did he give you

ward and placed the heavy

who had gotten to her feet, stuffed her hands in the pockets of her white lab

is exceptionally obedient, and I'm very

glad to hear that. Thank you for all that

except for Anna's

features. Nonetheless, she spoke fluent Chanaean,

her last few years of high school and even graduated from the same university as Evander-. Thus, she

Angeline did some digging into Anna's background, she was shocked by the fees Anna charged for her medical expertise. If Evander hadn't settled the bill

secondary importance. What mattered was that Sebastian responded to the treatment well, while his autism gradually took

of gratification to Angeline as she opened the lunch

for you. If you haven't eaten,

it after

picked up a small cake and

“Mmm, it's delicious.”

with a satisfied look on

cooking skills, it's no wonder you won Evander's heart. Why didn't you start a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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