Chapter 282

The man was dressed in a white robe, and he had long and messy hair.

His beard was all over the place, making him look disheveled.

If Angeline hadn't learned from Nancy that the man was about the same age as them, she would've thought that Joel was in liis forties. What exactly happened to him? How did a talented designer fall so hard from grace?

“I knew you would be home! Come over! This lady here is looking for you."’ Elated, Nigel quickly waved at Joel.

As the rumors claimed. Joel had a grim expression on. and he looked uncongenial. With heavy footsteps, he made liis way toward Angeline and Nigel. “Yes? Wliat do you need me for?"

Joel looked at Angeline indifferently and without a trace of surprise in liis eyes. It was as if he was used to getting interrupted by people.

He wasn't fazed by Angeline's appearance.

Angeline was still sizing him up when he arrived in front of her.

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Quinn. I've heard a lot about you. You're truly a genius of a designer—"

“I stopped being a designer a while ago," Joel interrupted in an annoyed tone. “Didn't you hear about that?”

“I know what you mean. Mr. Quinn. However, if you

dyed, and they

only can he design, but he can also dye fabrics. He's truly a genius! Now, I know Nancy was serious about what she said to

sharp tongue from a person as young as you. You aren't here to ask

look for you. and I even fell into a cellar and spent an entire night there. I've gone through hoops to have a

aback by those words. He looked at

This lady has gone through hardships to see you. If not for me, she would have still been stuck

In a less hostile tone, he asked. “So? Wliat do you want to

Joel was willing to hear her out, Angeline was overjoyed. “Mr. Quinn. I'm a friend of Nancy. Nancy

liis brows. “I do, but we haven't contacted

remember you as a genius designer. You're very famous." Upon buttering Joel up and seeing that he wasn't offended. Angeline took a deep breath. “I have a

wanted. He unhesitatingly cut her off by asking, “Are you

Angeline shot him a sincere look. “Mr. Quinn, although we don't know each other, I believe we

at Angeline mockingly. “I've had all sorts of people coming to me, and I've turned each and every

Angeline remained silent.

dare you act so haughtily? Why should

harsh that Angeline froze and couldn't find the words to

looked at Joel's pair of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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