Chapter 288

“Ms. Sorelle, is this what you meant when you said you wanted to work on improving the design of your brand?” Joel exclaimed with a chuckle when he saw that.

Angeline was starting to panic a little after being humiliated twice in a row.

“I'm terribly sorry, Joel! I should've managed my subordinates better!”

I'll have to make things right if I am to have Joel work for my company!

With that in mind, she glared at the employees in the design department and asked sternly, “What do you guys think you're doing?”

The employees all looked a lot more energetic when they saw Angeline.

“Good morning, Ms. Sorelle!” they greeted her in unison.

“What exactly is going on here? I am paying you guys to help generate revenue, not to slack off and create a mess!” Angeline continued with a frown.

The employees were all so scared that none of them dared make a sound.

“Why are you in such a bad mood so early in the morning, Ms. Sorelle? Does taking your anger out on my department make you feel better about yourself?” Steven asked with a disdainful frown as he lifted his legs off the couch.

“Your department?”

Angeline shot Steven an icy-cold glare as she reminded him, “I think you should go through the company's employee handbook again. You and this entire department are beneath me!”

She deliberately emphasized the last two words in order- to crash Steven's ego.

Livid with rage, Steven snapped back at her in a threatening tone, “You... Don't get cocky just yet! You only have three more days before the launch of the matching family outfit!”

He liked using Angeline's work to put pressure on her as she would always concede unconditionally.

by the ami and replied with a confident smile, “Oh, that reminds me, I need to make an introduction. This is Joel Quinn, a designer I just

department without first seeking my

I suggest you stop being so

heels that were over ten centimeters tall, Angeline was able to stare him down at

the right to fire

worry; I would never do something like that! I do, however, have the right to hire new employees as I

heard that.

and leaned slightly

unacceptable. Do you know what else is unacceptable? The company's recent

annoyance, he looked a little excited

fully, Angeline pointed at the large desk of the design department's director. “Over

that was made of imported sandalwood, which was most likely paid for by the

using that desk anyway. It'd be a waste of

“All right.”

suggestion and

while tearing down the stickers and

mad that he nearly fainted on the

keep that position of yours forever, Angeline! When the time comes, I'll be there to witness your downfall!” he yelled furiously before

into a smile as

Still, that guy is a cunning one, so having him around is a huge risk factor. Since I don't have a valid reason to fire him, I can only


of thought when she felt someone tugging on

saw Sebastian looking up at her

need to get going, or

little busy earlier. I'll take you there

and walked up to Joel as she said, “I need to get going now. Will

bookshelf at the time. “Yes, I'll be fine.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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