Chapter 47: Adrenaline Third Person

“By the time you get to Chasity, it’ll be too late anyway!” Snarled Dante.

Felix growled impatiently. Calix regarded Dante with black eyes. Alex bared his canines. At that moment, Danny the P. I. And Chance descended to the cellar.

“Do we know anything?” Asked Chance anxiously. “We will soon,” said Felix, taking a pair of pliers out of his tool bag. “You don’t scare me!” Growled Dante. “We’ll see about that,” said Felix, shrugging. “I have nothing to live for anyway!” Retorted Dante.

“Are you seriously trying to make me feel sorry for you? You have something to do with my mate being missing?” Hissed Felix, his eyes black and his face contorted with rage. “There’s no worse pain than that for a wolf!”

Dante chuckled humourlessly. “Think I don’t know that? My mate is dead!”

“Then you should know better than anyone how painful that is! Why would you ever want anyone else to suffer like that? When you already know it’s the greatest suffering?” Snarled Felix.

Dante took a deep breath. There was a bruise on his forehead where Felix had knocked him out. He slumped against the side of the cell.

“I just want my mate back,” muttered Dante.

“What does that have to do with Chasity?” Asked Calix, exasperated with this whole exchange.

“She looks just like her!” Insisted Dante.

In a flash, Alex had entered the cell and was holding Dante by the throat so that his feet dangled in midair.

“You took Chasity to replace your dead mate because they look alike?” Roared Alex, tightening his grip on Dante’s throat.

“DON’T KILL HIM!” Bellowed Calix. “We’ll never find Chasity in time if you do!”

Alex listened to the youngest alpha, dropping the kidnapper onto the floor where he spluttered and gasped.

“They’re not gonna kill her! You heard him! She’s replacing his mate,” snarled Alex. Dante caught his breath and began to chuckle to himself. “If you’ve touched Chasity, I will carve you like a roast!” Said Felix slowly. “I haven’t,” insisted Dante. “I want her willing.” “SHE’LL NEVER BE WILLING!” Roared Felix. “She won’t but Deidre will,” said Dante.

“What do you mean?” Asked Calix quickly. Dante said nothing. He just lay on the floor as if asleep. “You…you just want her body, don’t you?” Whispered Calix.

His two elder brothers were making expressions that showed they did not believe in the bodysnatchers. Dante was fidgeting a little.

“We’re not gonna kill her! She’ll be fine. Her consciousness will be transferred to something else in the meanwhile!” Said Dante defensively.

it’s true?!” Asked the eldest alpha. “You’re stealing people’s

Deidre dead?” Demand Calix. Dante shook his head

moon snakes that Deidre keeps

sentient and locked up as snakes for nine years?” Asked

increased. “Snakes only live about nine years. That’s their natural lifespan so I don’t know if they’re still there. Maybe. They

chill crept through Calix. They needed to hurry not just for Chasity but for her parents

eyed. “I’ll kill you!” He bellowed at Dante and rushed forwards. Alex grabbed

Grandpa!” Yelled Calix pulling Chance away from the cell.

a branch of her spiritual model retreat nonsense in LA but she’s housing everyone at the branch closer

looking nervous. He walked towards Dante. “Where are they?” Asked Felix slowly, taking

Chasity in with

index finger downwards. Third Person

the pack house. He was almost there.

  1. The engine began to splutter. He looked at the meter. He was on empty. He roared at himself internally as the car came to a halt in the snow.

This would take forever. He hadn’t shifted in years. He sighed. This was for Chasity, Chase’s only child. He ripped his coat off and threw it back onto the hood of the car. He couldn’t afford to rip that one. Hopefully no one came

Chasity’s POV

more quickly than she ever had before almost as fast as her alpha triplets. Perhaps, it was the adrenaline or the pup. She was on all fours, covered in sandy fur. She was a little bigger than she remembered. She had not been a marked Luna the last times she’d shifted. Maybe she was faster and stronger too. She didn’t have much time

became a fox, a snow white fox with two tails. She was beautiful, truly breathtaking,

my third tail! Lamented

names. In their world, some called this a were-fox, others a fox

she had stolen two bodies before! Deidre and someone before that. She would have approached Dante in her old body, probably as an older woman. Then she became the young

dove as the Fox lunged at her. The Fox was twice her size, almost as big

is nothing! Hissed the Fox. If I had gotten my third body, I’d be three times my original size! You should’ve seen my mother and my grandmother before her. Colossal. Mother

the last word, she pounced

castle. The triplets ran out the pack house followed by Detective Danny and Chance just as the wolf version of Dexter came galloping up to them across the snow. Felix growled at the unfamiliar wolf but Calix put a hand to Felix’s chest. The youngest alpha recognised Dexter’s smell. Alex gave Dexter

can help! I know you think I’m

accelerator. The castle was a half an hour drive away but Felix was about to make it in ten

Chasity’s POV

Fox pinned Chasity’s wolf to the ground with a

the pup but salvage my new

and the ankle of the Fox. The Fox yelped and then growled. Chasity darted away. All the doors were locked. Suddenly, one of them opened. April! Of all people! And

shouldn’t take this one! You didn’t tell us


air and shifted midair, revealing her true form. A

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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