Chapter 260

Better Not to Force It Listening to the cheerful voices of the two little ones, Lucas felt extremely happy. At this time, Mason drove the car and stopped in front of them. Lucas smiled and said, “I will send you back.” It was not easy for Emily to refuse, so she could only nod and take the two children into the car. On the way back, the two little ones seemed to have endless words to say to Lucas. Of course, most of the time, it was just two children. Lucas was responsible for listening and occasionally echoed a few words. The atmosphere was indescribably good. 


Not long after, they arrived home. Emily brought the two little ones out of the car. Just as she was about to say goodbye, the two little ones sent out an invitation “Lucas, aren’t you not coming in?” “Let’s have a meal together. Thank you for playing with us in the afternoon.” In the face of the two little ones’ invitation, Lucas was obviously in a better mood. Or rather, he originally wanted to find an excuse to stay, but he did not expect to get one so easily. The corners of his mouth rose, and his dark eyes looked at Emily. He said in a gentle voice, “I would love to.” 

Emily stared at the two children in amusement and did not say anything. 

Just like that, the four of them returned to the apartment. 

After locking the car, Mason followed them upstairs. In the apartment, Lucy saw Lucas come back with her granddaughter. There was a flash of surprise in his eyes, but she did not say anything. Instead, she greeted them with a smile. 

“Mr. Greens is here.” 

good afternoon,” Lucas replied politely. Mason also called out respectfully from the side. Seeing this, Emily ordered the two little ones, “Mommy is going to cook. Since you

Mommy, you go to cook.”

unison, and then began to entertain

explained what happened during the day. Not long after, Vivian replied with a thumbs up. “What should I do next?” Ethan asked. “Next, you find


little girl was quick. She immediately understood her brother and began to cooperate. “Yes, today Uncle Lu left because of the company. What a pity. I wanted Uncle Lu to take me to the amusement park.” Emily was a little puzzled. When did her two children grow so close to Lu Shizhou? She really couldn’t figure

a big deal, so she agreed without thinking. However, she didn’t know that her words

ones and said in a low voice, “You can

is it?” Emily asked hesitantly. “Yes, Lucas must

his face directly sank, and he was

two little ones

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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