Chapter 227

It Would Be His Good Fortune Not long after, Emily and Lucas came out of the room. Mr. Hawking noticed that, and a mischievous smile flashed across his wise eyes. He could see that Emily’s mood had stabilized. And the reason why this girl could calm down in such a short time was obviously related to Lucas. The charity diagnosis in the afternoon continued. 

Lucas did as he said and arranged several bodyguards for Emily to maintain order. 

Because of this, many people present were shocked and became very polite. 

Of course, it was Emily’s excellent medical skills that really subdued these people. 

“It’s very difficult to cure your legs, but with acupuncture and medicine, it can improve your condition.” 

“You didn’t take good care of yourself when you were young and didn’t eat properly. This has led to the degeneration of your stomach. This situation can only be improved by wise eating coupled with some medicine. If you can do the above three points, will prescribe medicine for you. Otherwise, it will be useless even if I prescribe medicine for you.” “Always dizzy, chest stuffy, short of breath, right? Give me your hand, and I will take your pulse.” In the afternoon, Emily encountered all kinds of diseases, so busy that she didn’t even have time to drink water. 

was so tired that she didn’t want to move anymore. She sat

at her and felt

“It’s been hard today. I’ll get someone to send you back. You have

Ms. Armstrong back. You have to send her home, you know?” Lucas looked at Emily, who was resting on the chair and nodded. Emily laughed

a match. He did not know whether to laugh or cry, but he also had a different opinion. “In terms of appearance, Doctor Armstrong and Lucas are indeed quite compatible.” He first agreed with what Mr. Hawking said, and then he said his own thoughts, “But if it’s about other things, it will be difficult for the two of them to be together.” Mr. Hawking disagreed when he heard this. He glared at him, his voice a little lacking in confidence. “Doctor Armstrong is not bad either. She has a good appearance and good skills. As long as the two of them have the heart, why is it difficult to be together?” Meng Jinchuan was stunned for a moment as if he had not expected Mr. Hawking to have such an excited reaction. Before he could say anything, he heard Mr. Hawking continue, “Moreover, “It will be his good fortune if Lucas can marry Ms. Armstrong. Moreover, you have to understand that if Lucas marries Ms. Armstrong, we

have anything

looked over in confusion. Seeing this, Mr. Hawking snorted and retorted, “Why is it not related? Let me tell

skills!” When these words came out, Meng Jinchuan suddenly felt funny. “So

rubbed his hands and continued, “That girl hid a lot of good things. If she becomes the wife of the Greens family, I will

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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