Chapter 388 How Could It Be Possible to Release Blood? 

After modifying a few herbs, Emily finally confirmed the final prescription. It was already midnight, and it was almost noon in Y City. Emily held the phone and said with some embarrassment, “I didn’t expect to have talked for so long. Sorry to trouble you.” “It doesn’t matter. Moreover, I have also benefited a lot from discussing the prescription with you.” Mr. Hawking did not lie about this. Although Emily was still a little immature in his view, in terms of the application of medicinal herbs, he could not catch up with her no matter how hard he tried. Perhaps this was the difference between Chinese medicine and ancient Chinese medicine. 

The two exchanged a few words of courtesy before Emily hung up. She put away her phone and turned around. She found that the two little ones who were playing on the sofa next to her were no longer there. However, she did not care. She turned and walked out of the room. Outside the door, Butler Zhang had been paying attention to the movements in the room. When he heard the sound, he immediately walked to the stairs on the first floor and said respectfully, “Doctor Armstrong, are you done with your work?” In the afternoon, he had already learned of Doctor Armstrong’s identity from Mason. If nothing went wrong, she would be his future Young Madam. There was also the Young Master and the Young Miss. He never thought that the Young Master would have such big children already. Emily did not know what Zhang was thinking. After coming down from upstairs, she looked around and found that the surroundings were quiet. She could not help but ask, “Where are my two children?” “Young Master and Young Miss are already asleep. At that time, you were on the phone. Young Master and Young Miss were hungry, so I arranged for someone to make dinner for them. Then, seeing that they were sleepy, I took them to the guest room to rest.” Butler Zhang gave a brief explanation before asking respectfully. “Is Doctor Armstrong hungry? I’ll get the kitchen to warm up some food.” Hearing this, Emily rubbed her stomach and nodded. “I’m a little hungry.” Not only was she hungry, she was also very tired. 

After all, she had been on the plane all this time. After flying for more than ten hours, she did not have time to rest and went directly to the hospital. After a simple supper, Emily went back to her room to rest. She slept very soundly this time. Perhaps because she was thinking about Lucas’ situation in her heart, she woke up early. 

The next day, the sky had just turned white when Emily woke up. She looked at the time and saw that it was still early, so she went to pack her luggage and took out the herbs she needed. She had brought enough herbs and almost all the herbs she needed. There were only a few that she did not have. She planned to buy them later on the way to the hospital. 

At eight o’clock in the morning, Emily brought the two little ones to finish their breakfast and set off for the hospital. Although the poison in Lucas’ body had been suppressed, there was still a danger. Therefore, the earlier the poison was removed, the sooner it could ensure health of Lucas. Of course, she did not forget to find the medical center to replenish the missing herbs. 

it was almost ten o’clock. When Mason learned that Emily had come, he could

the moment he saw Emily, he impatiently asked, “Doctor Armstrong, is the treatment plan confirmed?” “It has been confirmed. I came here today to implement the first treatment.” Emily said as he walked to the ward where Lucas was. The two little ones followed her obediently. They knew that Mommy was going to treat Lucas today, so they would be quiet and try not to disturb Mommy, so that Mommy could treat Lucas as soon as possible. However, when they

come to treat Lucas on your own.” “Doctor Jin, I know you are doing this for the sake of our president, but there is no better way than Doctor

persuade Jin Zheheng. Unfortunately, Jin Zheheng did not trust Emily at all. He said in a deep voice, “Mason, I understand you, but I still have to say

was usually easy to talk to, he would not allow any mistakes in

it was just a small mistake, it could cause the patient’s

at the man who insisted on showing her treatment plan. Although she was anxious, she was not as angry as yesterday. As a doctor, she understood

you are worried, I will tell you my treatment plan.” In the end, Emily compromised and said it. Of course, the most important thing was that she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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