Chapter 14 The Cousin Of Quincy

Calista took one step back and dodged Yelena’s attempt to slap her, responding innocently. “I just didn’t want the food to go to waste.”

“ARGHHHHHH! You disgusting child! Why don’t you just die!”

Yelena then started screaming at the servants. “Are you all blind? This stupid girl has gone insane! Tie her up now!”

The servants suddenly sprang into action and quickly made a grab for Calista, but they had all forgotten that Calista was very strong. Calista’s grandfather wanted her to learn the Energy Needle technique that was passed down from generation to generation of the Staffords, so he made her train her Energy that would help in learning this technique. She trained her Energy every day and became. very strong as a result.

When she saw them coming, Calista turned the marble coffee table over with just one kick. “Let’s see

who dares to touch me!”

The glass shattered all over the floor, making everyone present gasp in shock. Yelena stared at Calista with huge eyes as if she didn’t know who she was, wondering if she was possessed!

Most of the others had the same thoughts as Yelena, but Calista didn’t wait for them to react. She stood in the middle of the living room and continued speaking with a smile, “Mrs. Stafford, don’t forget, Quincy is still waiting for me to write the thesis that will qualify her for that college! The previous two theses that got awards were all written by me and this is the last one needed, or would you rather I go on strike this time?”

Yelena was so furious, her eyes nearly falling out of her head. She never expected Calista to turn around and blackmail her!

“Well Calista found her face smeared with sauce so hilarious, she continued laughing and said, you could tie me up, or even kill me, but I guarantee you if you touch a single hair of mine, I won’t write that last thesis. Don’t you know how capable that daughter of yours really is? Are you sure you want to fight me?”

Yelena wanted to make another move but stopped herself when she thought about what Calista said. It was difficult to guarantee a space at the college she wanted to send Quincy to, and so she really did not dare to touch Calista.

Calista heard the sound of a car driving in and gave a creepy smile.

“You haven’t settled last night’s matter right? Your guest is here, and you’re going to receive him looking like this?”

smiled. Yelena felt her heart was about to stop and found herself unable to say anymore to

the servants, “Hurry up and clear the place! My

back at Calista later! She glared one last time at Calista, then turned and went upstairs to


exchanged glances, then scrambled

time they saw Calista dare to stand up to Yelena in all

guessed who would be coming. So she took

new coffee table and a new pot

lady with a high ponytail and elegant cheongsam, quietly seated on the white sofa. Her features were exquisite and gave off a gentle air, like ladies in old Chanaean paintings were portrayed. Yet in this gentle air there was a prickly sort of atmosphere, and this lady was not as easily

to receive him, but instead just glanced over. Wyatt was surprised to find that she had a very special pair of eyes, each pupil sparkled and was full of mystery, so beautiful

time he felt a strange feeling in his chest

needed someone to shut those two men up, Wyatt would be their

“Have a seat.”

he didn’t know who she was, so she had no choice but to introduce herself,

then suddenly he realized what she just

furrowed his

Quincy’s cousin on Yelena’s side of the family

they were not as wealthy as the Fairchilds, they were still one of the top families. This sort of family would never have allowed

illegitimate daughter of the Langleys, so on

legitimate heir of the Langleys, so by right, these two should not have had any

so even though she was born in such despised circumstances, she made sure to make herself as small and humble as possible in front of the Lins. Quincy was also an excellent sweet talker, always calling Wyatt her cousin like she was calling an elder brother, and since Wyatt didn’t have a younger sister, he was more than happy to treat her like a real younger sister


had seen her from afar several times, and thought that this girl was always very quiet

was extra wary when he came across anything suspicious,

attitude quickly turned cold and formal, “Where’s my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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