Chapter 59 Making Enemies


His tone grew cold towards the last sentence, as he was obviously reminded of some people he didn’t like very much.

His imposing demeanor made Benedict’s face break out in sweat and didn’t think about being closer to Kallum anymore. He ended up being more like a subordinate, saying yes to everything.

After an hour, the stylist squictly exclaimed, “Perfect! You are my most beautiful art piece to date!”

Kallum put down his laptop to look, and the entire house was lit up by her beauty.

Calista was already very pretty even without makeup, but the smoky makeup masked any gentleness left on her and brought out her sharp and domineering side.

Her fair complexion and bright red lips were very aggressive and looked icy even when she smiled. She was like a countess from centuries ago, with an icy and untouchable elegance.

Kallum was very pleased with everything from the makeup to the gray shimmery evening gown, but she was missing a statement piece, and he was already all prepared.

Emerald was too somber, and diamonds were too flashy, so Kallum had chosen a ruby necklace and put it

on for her.

Calista wasn’t used to Kallum wrapping his arms around her like this, and she could see that this necklace must be extremely valuable. But she didn’t say anything since she figured she’d just return it to him once they got back from the auction.

Kallum saw how the rubies complimented her exquisite collarbones, and suddenly didn’t feel like taking her out anymore. He felt that this immense beauty should be enjoyed by him alone.

Kallum was an extremely domineering character – since he had already decided on Calista, he’d even thought about which school their children should attend already. He didn’t think Calista saying that she didn’t like him really meant anything, since feelings could be nurtured and she had such deep feelings for him before anyway.

“It’s very late, shouldn’t we get going?”

she realized Kallum kept staring at her lips and she felt like she could

lips – the stylist had applied several layers of lipstick, and if he touched them, this perfectionist stylist would surely go

at a private manor, and Kallum played with her fingers the entire way from the moment Calista got into the car,

so she kept a cold face on the whole time. But somehow Kallum wasn’t angered by this at all, and still tried

of relief, but she was surprised to hear a voice call out, “Isn’t this Ms. Stafford? I’m so happy we get to meet



50 Making


her eyes immediately upon hearing this voice. Sterling was indeed here.

stared hard at Sterling before bringing Calista into the

was some unhappiness between the Fairchilds and him because of the Jonathan case, that was merely a small matter. If the two families agreed to work together,

he didn’t dare to anger

Ms. Stafford? I can

said, Sterling didn’t think Kallum was keeping his distance because of Calista. To people like him, even a wife could be abandoned at

offensive. Sterling was an important representative of the Wolford family, but Kallum obviously looked like he wanted

in front of him and blocked his way. He started showing some anger on his

finally raised an eyebrow. “You have no right

to say the Wolford family

you not

is that you’re

could even hear

elsewhere when they heard Kallum’s words. They didn’t want to become collateral damage should the two of them decide to fight each other, since nothing good would come out of

maintain his composure. He had always been respected and feared all his life, and this was the first time he had been humiliated so badly.

am the heir

have to give this position up. So you’re not an heir, but merely a stand in because he has no choice, and so it

you trying to make enemies with



The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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