Chapter 96 Just Leaving Like That

After saying that in a low voice, she walked off with a complicated expression on her face.

Kallum touched his lips and couldn’t figure out what she meant


“Here” Quintus shouted with his back still facing Kallum.

Kallum became a little excited, but he was still unsure.

“What do you think Calista means?” Was it what he was thinking?

Quintus was beginning to doubt Kallum’s intelligence at this point.

“Ms. Calista has begun to give in, and she’s ready to give Mr. Kallum a chance!”

“Really?!” Kallum’s eyes lit up and looked at his subordinates with bright eyes.

“You sure that’s what she means?”

With Kallum looking at them like that, they could only nod their heads in unison. They weren’t going to pour cold water on him!

“HA!! I knew it!” Kallum clapped his hands together and revealed his pearly whites in a wide smile.

“I just knew it! Calista? Callie! Wait for me!”

After that everything went smoothly with the items that Calista passed to them, the research process advanced very quickly. They were looking for other drugs to perfect the formula that could fight the influenza, and the three herbs that Calista gave them became the main focus of this group of medical


“What a promising young lady!”

A professor in his fifties sighed while eating lunch, feeling like this few generation was going to outdo him.

“She is pretty impressive. Not just knowledgeable, but her foundation is very strong. And all the ideas she has are ahead of her time. She’s only eighteen such talents are very hard to come by!”

in, “How nice if I get an understudy like that. I’m sure you know that sometimes I

head of this group, and thought it a pity about Calista – she was Kallum’s fiancée, so nobody

was cating while writing and making some

replicate that antiviral capsule

“Eat first!”


27 May

96 Just Leaving Like That

Kallum pushed the bowl of food towards her. But Calista continued mumbling to

good show. Watching Calista and Kallum interact everyday was a sort of entertainment

battle, intelligently strategizing and giving commands, and wielded even more power and

others, but when he saw that Calista ignored. him, he clenched his teeth in annoyance at first, and then gave up. He ended up putting a spoonful of food

her, wiping her mouth now and then. If

scene was going to

ate and stole glances

man and beautiful lady looked good together wherever they went, and now that this rich young man had gone from an arrogant

food quality was very poor. Kallum’s face didn’t even flinch as he ate, and he ate the same

mushy and murky colored, so how could someone working her brains hard everyday like Callie eat something like this?

to come over and arrange for someone to go

this show of

own food from now on! But then when the same food was given to Calista, now he felt bad for her? What about the

to a huge conglomerate like

could too.


her gently – Callie

now knew

bad news!”

happened?” Kallum’s expression immediately became serious. Earlier the air in the canteen was filled with sweetness and romanticism, but any announcement of bad news


Mon, 27 May

Just Leaving Like


stood up. “The supporting troops plus us is how many people?”

“Eight hundred.”

support over, then gather everyone. We have more than enough

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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