Chapter 103 She Is Gone


“Mr. Kallum!” Ryder exclaimed, barely able to mask his disbelief. It was inconceivable to him that Kallum would risk everything, even his last breath, for the sake of a woman.

Kallum, lips pursed in firm resolution, clarified his decision. “If I go to the military district now, my chances of survival would be barely one percent. Yet, if I refrain from attempting to rescue her, her likelihood of death is almost certain.

His unwavering resolve to save another seemed to soothe the scaring pain that racked his body. Never before had he felt such composure or grasped the stakes so clearly.

His gaze was fixed intently to the right as he continued, “I am prepared to gamble my meager chance of survival against her almost certain chance to live. Thus, we set our course for Mount Goldfall!”

Meanwhile, Calista found herself confined, overhearing conversations in Turlenian outside her cell. She coolly assessed her situation

From what she could gather, the tide had turned once the antidote was introduced. Consequently, Uriah had severed ties with his uncle, who continued to resist the Lostarian government while Uriah planned his escape from the country. His bitterness over past failures was palpable, and it was this resentment that drove him to capture her as a way to reach Kallum.

The discussions outside hinted at the use of the K Virus. Fortunately, it seemed his plans had not succeeded, and Kallum remained unharmed.

However, a wave of unease washed over Calista.

her previous life, Kallum had returned abruptly to his homeland. Given his significant role in Lostaria, why would

In her previous life, she hadn’t been able to visit Kallum and knew far too

However, at that point, she knew

her with a sedative when they confined her, but Calista possessed a unique constitution that delayed the effects of any drug. Her apparent weakness was merely a ruse. In truth, she still had the strength to break free

patrolling sentinels visible in the vicinity. The odds were against her, but she knew

her personal items had been confiscated, but she retrieved a needle hidden

provided her with a small measure of security, Clutching

with the K Virus. After a period of uncertainty, his

hopes on a mere one percent chance of survival simply could

Fri, 31

She Is


circumventing Kallum; the only viable option was to have the military district. dispatch an antibody as quickly as

aware that the effectiveness of the antibody decreased dramatically over time. If there was originally a one percent chance of survival, that likelihood diminished to nearly one–thousandth of a

way to Mount Goldfall. Although this was their debut mission, their intent to kill was undiminished.

If his end was near, then he would ensure that those who pursued him

strategic, as the mountain’s hollow core held potential resources for

Kallum came with only four, their defeat would be even

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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