Chapter 126 Drama In School

Calista frowned. But that’s not necessarily the case. In my previous life, those people were able to make rapid progress because of me. I was the perfect human test subject for their experiments. Not only was my blood unique, but my constitution was also special, which naturally led to swift advancements. In this life, all I did was provide blood samples. I have no idea if these experts can do it just as fast, let alone whether Kallum can hold on for that long.

The autumn wind swept through, blanketing the ground with golden leaves.

Calista was holding a pen, tapping it against her chin as she pondered over a problem. Seeing her lack of focus, the professor expressed his displeasure by clearing his throat and saying, “Calista, you’ve already missed so many classes, and now that you’re in class, you’re not paying attention! Do you even want to join the combined master’s and doctoral program?”

Calista was taken aback when her name was called and hurriedly apologized, promising to focus from now


1. on.

However, deep down, she felt somewhat torn, which was rare.

In her past life, she had dedicated herself entirely to the study of medicine. She wasn’t concerned about not being able to keep up, but she was confused as to why she had to study physics, advanced mathematics, doctor–patient communication skills, and more.

Those were inapplicable to her, and despite her intelligence, she saw no need to study them.

Looks like I’ve oversimplified things. The combined master’s and doctoral program is not as easy as I thought.

However, Calista had always maintained a stoic facade in her current life, so no one could tell when she was struggling to understand. She maintained her top–student demeanor and was always alone, very much an individualist.

She used to be introverted but she’d still respond. when we

remained aloof,

become much more beautiful. I thought she was a new stadent when she came yesterday and was so surprised when I realized it was her! Many guys came to ask about her yesterday. I heard that some guy will

contemplated taking a different door out of the academic building when she


left yet when a voice echoed

found somewhat familiar. Upon closer inspection, she realized it was Janice, one of Mirabelle’s friends. Mirabelle was Janice’s senior in the Faculty

of Dance.

over to her. The other students immediately dienserad planeina a



1 Pearls

Fri, 31

126 Drama

her teeth. “How dare you

she talking about? Am I supposed to just stay put and let

who, in her previous life, had been exploited to death by Mirabelle, and sincered. “Where’d you come


aloof and reticent person, attributing it to her shyness. However,

b*tch has

me when you seduced Mirabelle’s

name was mentioned, the onlookers knew Janice was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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