Chapter 130 I Will Do It

Right then, Kallum took the pen from her.

“You don’t know how? Let me teach you then!”

Kallum laughed arrogantly as if there was nothing in the world that

uld ever stump him.

Calista remained defiants“All right then. Teach me.”

She handed him the textbook, her disbelief evident. She was sure that Kallum hadn’t practiced such things for years. If her memory, which was excellent, had failed her, then there was no way he could remember.

To her surprise, he really did remember.

Pointing at the problem, Kallum slowly said, “You’ve calculated this coordinate’s value incorrectly. I recall

that this….

He explained each point with composure, clearly breaking down the problem at hand, and wrote out every key learning point encompassed by the problem. His handwriting was pleasing to the eye, whether it was letters or numbers, each stroke exuded a bold elegance. It was just like his personality–conspicuous yet impossible to dislike.

At first, Calista couldn’t deny her confusion, but gradually, she found herself getting lost in the discourse. During that day’s lecture, it felt as if she was listening to gibberish. However, Kallum patiently guided her, breaking down the complex concepts, and allowing her to gradually grasp the essence of the lesson.

There was no denying it, Kallum was indeed quite clever.

In truth, he was far more than just intelligent.

early years under her stepmother’s care, Calista always kept a low profile. Consistently being at the top of her class wasn’t something she would ordinarily strive for. However, ever since the time Mrs. Fairchild mentioned that Kallum always ranked first, the idea took root in her mind. It seemed as if, by doing

seemed to have

into Calista’s. That was the first time he had ever been so patient in explaining something to someone.


do you solve this problem

question was only greeted

problem. Surely you didn’t miss

the book, her face stern as she

Kallum’s eyes. “How about I give you


Will Do It

expression, which triggered a sudden

once–over, her tone strictly professional as she questioned, “Have you finished reading


was trying to change the subject. “We’re

studies now-

gives you the right

her delicate chin, giving him a defiant look. It’s just one problem after all. I can always go

some reason, he found it incredibly endearing to see embarrassment under Calista’s cold facade.

getting sick? No matter what tantrums I throw or what harsh words I say, his reactions are just so odd. Looks like my only

glanced at her

me to give you an

an order. Sure enough, Kallum hesitated for a moment

his passion was not exhibited through physical exposure. When Calista requested him to fully undress and lie on his stomach for the acupuncture treatment, he found the situation awkward. After all, he was deeply in love with that woman, and

fear of embarrassing himself, it was inevitable that Kallum

acupuncture session, he hardly spoke a word, and his entire body was tense as if he was facing a formidable adversary.

lips, “Well, aren’t you going to undress? Or do you need me to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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