Chapter 142 Longings And Desires

Could he locate the vein?

Of course Kallum could. Over time, having received so much treatment, he had practically become a doctor himself. However, upon noticing that Calista was reluctarit, he cast a glance at Shaun.

With a cheerful tone, Shaun assured, “Don’t worry, I’ll give you the Injection later.”

With that, he swiftly led his people away.

Nowadays, wherever Kallum went, he was always accompanied by two people to prevent any mishaps. However, with Calista around, there was no need for worry. It was a mystery where this young girl got all her ingenious ideas from.

The experts and professors in the labs couldn’t stop singing her praises. Their secret research on the K virus was way ahead of any other country’s progress! If they were not still bound by secrecy, their current achievements would undoubtedly have shaken the world!

Of course, there was still a long way to go before conquering the K virus.

However, with Calista around, they all felt confident, and their belief in oneself was also strengthened.

After everyone had left, Kallum began to feel nervous. Calista had her back to him, revealing a large expanse of her fair skin. The wound on it was ghastly, but the stark contrast of red against white was incredibly striking. His breaths became ragged, and he was almost trembling as he continued to apply medicine to her wound.

Calista had quite a night and was rather worn out. She closed her eyes to rest, her long, starry sky dress trailing the floor in tatters. Even indoors, its brilliance was undeniable. Yet, its radiance could never compare to the dazzling person wearing it.

much like a wounded mermaid. Every curve of her body exuded an

the woman before him into his arms, kissed her gorgeous hair, punished

was eerily quiet, an unnatural silence hanging in the air. Unable to bear it any longer, Calista initiated a conversation. “Almost slipped my mind,

the quiet, private space, carrying a somewhat husky tone that hinted at an enticing

didn’t eat anything, nor/did I drink alcohol. Apart from you,

find his current life too restrictive and oppressive. After all, the patient’s mood

applied the medigine, his hand paused momentarily. Seated on the sofa, his body involuntarily


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142 Longings

I was suppressing

she realize the depth of his feelings for her, which

out of politeness and now she had no choice but to continue. “I understand that you’re currently isolated from society, confined to this old house, and only able to see a few familiar faces. On top of that, you’re constantly worried about your illness. It’s understandable that you’re feeling distressed and suffocated. However, such a mindset is detrimental to our treatment. It might sound harsh, but it’s crucial for you to maintain a positive

she spoke these words with such clear–headed calmness, a palpable


somber, yet his tone seemed oddly upbeat. “It’s okay. With you guys around, especially you, I don’t feel the slightest bit

with Calista, not just watch

didn’t even know when he would breathe his last, let

her. He was merely applying medicine, yet it felt incredibly oppressive. However, she couldn’t refuse. Perhaps Kallum was just trying to do something for her, to prove himself. If she rejected

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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