Chapter 159 Thrust Into The Abyss.

If things had proceeded in the usual manner, this assignment would only be seen by a handful of professors. Being individuals of high repute, they would naturally have kept it confidential.

However, things were different now. Quincy secretly took the assignment to the university department. With the escalation of this issue, if they were to confront each other, to validate the truth of their words, there was a high chance that the contents of the assignment had to be publicized.

If a savvy individual were to delve deeper into this particular subject matter at that time, Calista’s trade secrets would’ve inevitably been exposed. That’s why she had been avoiding making a big fuss or confronting the issue head–on, as a form of self–preservation.

Regarding the contents, Emmett meticulously reviewed the assignment that Quincy had handed in, fully understanding what was in it.

The assignment was a semi–finished product Calista purposefully isolated from the finished product, making it abundantly clear whose work it was.

So now, it was absolutely clear who was lying.

Quincy would have never guessed that for the sake of earning money, Calista deliberately submitted a half–finished assignment. Even more so, she wouldn’t have expected Calista to expose her by bringing out the completed work.

Hearing the gasps and jeers from the people around her, Quincy felt utterly humiliated. Not even the incident with the video last time had made her feel so mortified.

After all, she could have claimed that the video was a deliberate set–up by others to harm her. But this time, she had accused Calista of trying to steal her work in front of so many people. Now, having been harshly confronted by Calista, her face was flushed crimson with humiliation. She wished she could just faint on the spot.

Seeing that Emmett was so engrossed in reading, Calista turned to face a stunned Benedict and said, “I’d originally planned to complete this research before handing it over to you for implementation. It has enormous potential and profit, as well as the ability to bring us a good reputation. However, because the finished product still has some flaws, I’m working to overcome them. I hadn’t intended to present it this early. Dad, do you realize that your blunder might have ruined a chance to restore our family’s honor?”

She coolly pointed out the consequences which were undoubtedly unbearable for Benedict.

Benedict was drenched in cold sweat, wishing he could snatch the phone from Emmett’s hands. Just a glance is enough! Why is he scrutinizing it so intently?

Upon hearing Calista’s words, Emmett also calmed down. Reluctantly, he returned the phone to Calista, genuinely complimenting her in the process.

“You truly are a rare genius in medical research! Compared to you, I, as a professor, still have much to learn-”

expertise, Professor Lockwood,” interjected Calista nonchalantly. “You’re being


363 +

1 Coins

1 Pearls


Thrust Into

a handful of professors. Being individuals of high repute, they

different now. Quincy secretly took the assignment to the university department. With the escalation of this issue, if they were to confront each other, to validate the truth of their words, there was a high chance that the

at that time, Calista’s trade secrets would’ve inevitably been exposed. That’s why she had been avoiding making a big fuss or confronting the


from the finished product, making it abundantly clear

it was absolutely clear

have never guessed that for the sake of earning money, Calista deliberately submitted a half–finished assignment. Even more so,

Hearing the

from the people around her, Quincy felt utterly humiliated. Not even the incident with the video last time had made her feel so mortified.

she had accused Calista of trying to steal her work in front of so many people. Now, having been harshly confronted

so engrossed in reading, Calista turned to face a stunned Benedict and said, “I’d originally planned to complete this research before handing it over to you for implementation. It has enormous potential and profit, as well as the ability to bring us a good reputation. However, because the finished product still has some flaws, I’m working to overcome them. I hadn’t intended to present it this early. Dad, do you realize that your blunder might have ruined a chance to restore

out the consequences which

sweat, wishing he could snatch the phone from Emmett’s hands. Just a glance is enough! Why is

hearing Calista’s words, Emmett also calmed down. Reluctantly, he returned the phone to Calista, genuinely complimenting

genius in medical research! Compared to you,

their own expertise, Professor Lockwood,”


363 +0


Thrust Into

anyone who wasn’t on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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