Ré Venceli Rebirth

Chapter 171 The Perfect Cover

Calista was a bit dared by his words, and it seemed she didit quite understand. She pursed her lips, insisting om ber point, yelline. “You don’t like me!

“You” Kallun glared at her, only to see her looking back at him defiantly, her eyes red and sparkling. much like a stubbom linle bene. #hy am I men berthering to anese tenke little draskand?

Kallum let out a sigh, deeiding to sidestep the topic. “What did you bring nie here for! The house has been burnt down, and there’s nothing left. What do we do nove?”

With her lower lip caught between her teeth, Calista muttered a few words and led him further up the hill To their surprise, they stumbled upon a small cave in the hillside, into which she promptly crawled.

Kallum found it anmising. As a child, Calista was raised by her grandparents, a pair of traditional old folks They brought her up just like an ancient maiden, with rules and expectations for every word and action. It was hard to imagine that she had such a secret hideout when she was little.

Upon entering, a variety of items were scattered on the ground. There were worn–out rag dolls, little dresses adorned with lace, and so on. Meanwhile, Calista was rummaging through the stuff on the floor

“Is this where you spent your childhood?” he asked.

Without looking back, Calista responded, “Yeah, my grandpa didn’t like it when I played with dolls, nor did he approve of me wearing those short dresses…”

Kallum suddenly felt a pang of sympathy for her. As a child, she had to learn so much, her days were filled with exhaustion, and she had little time to herself.

held affection for them, he could provide her with a room filled with dolls and princess dresses.


possibly reflect any form of affection. When she was a child, her father would bring over dresses and dolls, all of which her grandfather would

why did you hide them here?” Kallum asked.


word, he caught a faint whiff of alcohol. Raising an eyebrow slightly, he walked over. At the

“What is this?”

her eyes gleaming with satisfaction as she carefully unearthed a small bottle. She chuckled and said, “I remeinber Mrs. Fairchild once mentioned that on your birthday, you would always take the day off to enjoy some alcohol all by yourself. Apparently, you’ve been

significant tremor stirred within the heart of Kallum when he heard those



his parched lips, and after a moment of struggle, he asked, “So…. Is this the

her previously excited face fell once again. “But every time I went to see you on your birthday, you refused to

I buried one bottle per year. I thought I would then give them to you when I had the chance

the soil. He

wanted to say something, but it was as if his voice was stuck. Only Calista


was nine years old!” With a satisfied expression, Calista

speak, she cast a sidelong glance outside the cave, as if

in his youth, had suffered greatly because of alcohol. That’s why he was so furious when my father, under the influence, made a mistake and ended

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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