Chapter 193 I Can Get Sterling Killed Here

Rupert was left disoriented by Calista’s words. His eyes were still filled with tears, but he no longer struggled. Instead, he felt a sense of bewilderment.

Calista released him. “Do you really want to end up like your father? He had the desire to protect his family but couldn’t. He wished to provide a good life for you but was powerless to do so. Do you want to be a weakling, ultimately dying a pathetic death?” Her voice remained icy cold, yet within its frigid tone, an undertone of reproofingered–a subtle questioning, perhaps.

Throughout his life, Rupert had never encountered anyone who spoke to him with such severity nor had. anyone ever so brutally exposed the harsh reality and laid it bare before him.

Although he was only thirteen, his father’s death forced him to grow up prematurely. He was no longer just a child.

“Someone who loves his family, yet incapable of doing anything right? A helpless weakling?” Rupert muttered. He couldn’t deny that Calista’s words were true. In this region, most impoverished families were like his. Many heads of households couldn’t even take care of their own needs, let alone their family’s. As a result, the women ended up doing most of the work.

Some people, like his father, genuinely wanted to take care of their families. However, due to various reasons such as limited abilities and wisdom, they could only strive their utmost to keep their family barely alive. It wasn’t because his father wasn’t good enough. It was simply because they were too weak.

“I’m sorry…” Rupert suddenly closed his eyes, kneeling before the lifeless body. “I refuse to be weak any longer. I won’t let anyone drive me out of my home or rob me of my food! Dad, I want to be strong! I want to protect Mom!”

There was no point in bringing the body back, so Calista decided to bury it in the forest.

he had grown up in a single day, a kind of

again sensing the formidable presence of Calista.

them for this? No. But does it mean they are free from responsibility? Certainly not. In the end, those who find themselves in adversity must

Jarrett had already arrived. Upon seeing Calista return, he rose from his seat, glint flashing behind his glasses. His immaculate suit and attention to detail were clear indicators of his


truly no easy feat,” Jarrett scoffed, his tone brimming with dissatisfaction. He was someone others would line up to meet, yet here he was, having

handed to her and wiped her face before striding toward him.

Jarrett noticed that Calista seemed to have changed



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yet she still had an air of innocence about her. However, in just a year’s time, she had transformed into a formidable figure, capable of matching

his senses, Jarrett chuckled lightly. “Ms. Calista, I dare not waste time since you’ve extended

and free food was being distributed here, hence the

South East Aploth, how many percent of market share

market, and you’re asking how many percent right off the bat. That’s rather greedy. Besides, the Sinclair family doesn’t focus on this area. We only hold a small half–percent stake. The Wolford family is doing slightly better, holding just over one

you interested in

to clean up its act, we

can get Sterling killed here. Do you think you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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