Chapter 223 Are You Truly Not Afraid


Just then, it seemed as though Kallum was jolted awake. His gaze toward Calista was fraught with complexity. Almost immediately, he pressed his body close to hers, subtly watching her face for any trace of emotion. A sudden, intense curiosity overtook him–he desperately wanted to know whether Calista was truly devoid of the fear that everyone else harbored against him.

“Did he faint?”

It was only then that the memory resurfaced among them–those infected with the notorious K Virus typically suffered from a rapid onset of high fever. This knowledge caused a collective, though silent, sigh of relief to pass through the group, as none exhibited any fever symptoms.

Calista, while supporting Kallum’s weight, raised her voice to catch the attention of Gunner and the others. In reality, her words were meant for everyone present.

“Don’t give up hope,” she said, “Quickly, take him back. We still have the antibodies; there’s still that slim one percent chance of survival!”

Gunner instantly grasped Calista’s subtle attempt at disguising Kallum’s illness. He nodded with urgency and moved swiftly to assist Calista in escorting Kallum away from the scene. Their departure was marked by a rushed urgency, as if the antibody’s administration was a matter of life or death.

Throughout this ordeal, Calista had been the pillar Kallum leaned on. When they found themselves suddenly isolated by their peers, she noticed Kallum’s emotional state was precariously unstable. Knowing well that any surge of negative emotions could severely disrupt his recovery, her actions were carefully crafted to provide reassurance.

Kallum rest his head on her lap. Although she was aware that onlookers couldn’t see inside, Calista

Calista issued her instruction than Kallum stilled completely. The car sped off, leaving the rest

Kallum’s heavy breathing could be heard within the confined space.

for his reckless attempts at saving her. Given his unique position, any

recognized that such thoughts were unjustified–after all, it was she who had continually pulled him into her own perilous

world, we’ll announce that you’ve recovered following the antibody treatment. It’s normal to experience a few months of weakness after such a procedure. But after a month, everyone will recognize that you’re not infected.” Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh

small smile, “Yes,” she continued, “as long as you can endure for a month, they’ll realize your treatment was successful. Because, so far, no one infecter with the

Sat, 1 Jun

223 Are You

gently combed through his hair.

there to protect you,” she declared with a

Though her word

not just ordinary foes- their machinations

to meet her gaze, his feelings for her deepening.

you afraid of me at all? I mean, the reactions of the people today were typical, yet you’ve never shown any fear. Are you really not

down at Kallum, puzzled by his question.

have to do with her? She was the one he had saved twice from the peril of the K Virus, all due

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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