Her Vengeful Rebirth

Chapter 379 Freeze To Death

Roger had exerted a great deal of effort to catch up. Seeing that Calista had reached a cliff and had nowhere else to run, he felt a sudden surge of relief. It seemed as if his eyes weren’t hurting as much


He advanced step by step. In Calista’s cars, she distinctly heard the sound of a handgun being cocked.

Am I going to die?

The chilly fog had long since soaked her clothes, its coldness piercing her bones. Yet at that moment, she was enveloped by a killing intent that was even colder.

It was undeniably a critical moment, yet Calista’s heart remained steady, and her breathing was slow and calm. She could hear someone calling her name, but the sound seemed distant. She also heard the man’s heavy, hurried breathing, which indicated he was likely exhausted as well.

With a calm demeanor, Calista asked, “Who are you? Who sent you? Why do you want to kill me?”

Roger hadn’t expected that Calista, even at death’s door, would remain so composed. He sneered, “You have the audacity to ask?”

The bandage over his eye was already soaked with blood. It trickled down in a scarlet stream that resembled tears of blood. At that moment, he looked as terrifying as a demon from hell, a sight unfortunately unseen by Calista.

it the scent of blood. She surmised that he must have been injured by

shame. Why didn’t he

as death looms, can’t I at

her words of self–surrender, Roger gave a cold laugh. He put away his gun and drew a knife

to be clueless, allow me to enlighten you! Once I gouge out your eyes, you’ll understand. exactly what you

be blind in one eye? If so, I might just stand

nearly upon her when suddenly, Calista made a move.

no amateur himself. Quick as a flash, he managed to

as he twisted Calista’s hand. It

managed to maintain a clear mind at this critical moment. Cold sweat soaked her forehead. She deduced that her opponent was blind in his right eye. Ignoring the pain in her captured left hand, she

left side.



mercilessly into the left side of his neck.

panicked. Dmn it!

step forward, but what she hadn’t anticipated was that because she couldn’t see clearly, her aim was off. Ideally, her move would have paralyzed him for a few seconds. However, at this critical moment, he surprisingly regained consciousness and pulled her with

ground beneath her gave way and she

the mountain from foot to peak without finding anyone, Kallum finally panicked. However, he told himself that there was no way Horatio could have

the volatile man who held their lives in his hands, one of them stuttered, “Calista blinded the boss in one eye,

felt a jolt in his heart. “You’re saying the one who

He used to be

Kallum exploded, abruptly standing up. He hadn’t anticipated such a sudden turn of events. If Horatio’s

Kallum, we’ve already searched the entire mountain. Searching

have missed a few spots. Are you suggesting

interrogation, someone stuttered, “There’s… one


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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