Her Vengeful Rebirth

Chapter 486 Be A Good Girl And Hold Me


+5 Pearls

When she said this, Kallum became a bit upset. “Why are you cooking when you’re not feeling well?”

What if she feels unwell again? When would I be able to bring my young wife home? Dad claimed that he was tied up with some significant matter and couldn’t return anytime soon. I don’t feel at ease entrusting her to another female doctor either.

With a somewhat awkward smile, Wanda said, “One last time, okay? Just try it one last time and tell me how it tastes.”

Kallum, in a state of helplessness, took a sip. His family had been through perilous times together for two years,

which formed a bond that couldn’t be compared to any other. Therefore, he didn’t want to let Wanda down.

“It’s delicious…” Even though he found it mediocre, and was unsure about the herbal taste that Wanda had added, he still complimented it anyway.

Wanda went with the flow and said, “Finish it, then. If it’s not enough, there’s still more in the pot!”

Kallum immediately said, “That’s enough! One bowl of it is enough!”

at her, his gaze

next moment, he leaned in and said, “Seeing as you’re so delighted, do you want to drink some of this too?

a bowl of ginseng bull testicle stew for Calista. Seeing her reluctance, he said solemnly, “This is a labor of love that Mom spent the whole afternoon making. If you don’t finish it,

between laughter and tears.

there’s a chance that Kallum might not drink it either! So, for the sake of Kallum’s health, you’ll have to suffer for a

agreement, her eyes full of regret as she looked at Calista. “Callie, it’s good for women to consume ginseng. You should drink more of it.”

by an arrow. At the same time, a sense of unease enveloped her. Unsure if she would be able to handle it, she suddenly feared the moment the truth would. be

looked at Wanda with a pleading expression, asking, “Can I just have the ginseng without the

but Kallum wasn’t about to give her the chance to. He laughed with a hint of mischief and said, “Joy is meant to be shared. If I have to take it, then you must do

table in response. Kallum’s expression remained unchanged, only responding with a smile as he pushed the bowl

finish it, okay?


Wed, 26

Good Girl And Hold

+5 Pearls

her, feeling somewhat helpless and overwhelmed. After a moment’s thought, she tugged at Kallum’s sleeve and

she had managed to pick up the knack. Tugging at his sleeve, she gave it a little shake. As Kallum lowered his gaze, he could see Calista trying to maintain a stern expression on her face. Her blinking cycs only served to help enhance her pitiful

I just wanted to hold her in my arms and give her a good squeeze!

ready to take action, yet he maintained a composed facade, subtly clearing his throat as if he

earnestly, “How could you behave like this, Callie? Mom has been slaving away all afternoon. You should at least have a little more.

end this time. She pulled a face and somewhat resentfully took a couple of sips. But the moment she thought about what part of the bull she

Kallum and whispered softly into his ear, “K–Kallum, I’m not feeling well down there, so I can’t consume anything too nourishing. It would give me heartburn and make me. uncomfortable.”

she bit her lip and looked at him, her face full of conviction. It wasn’t that she wouldn’t consume it, but she couldn’t

breath fluttered against Kallum’s ear, he found it increasingly difficult to restrain himself. And hearing her words, he felt even more flustered.

uncomfortable down there? This woman is blatantly seducing

to finish it? That’s fine, I suppose. Give me

by their playful banter that she had to turn her face away. The young ones these days… Their casual glances are filled with such intense sparks that my heart could hardly

brows furrowed as she cast a sideways glance at Wanda. “Cut it out,

lips curled into a mischievous smile. When

you to have me solve your problem. Isn’t that a great deal?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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