Hidden Flame: Bound to the Triplet Dragon Kings

Chapter 17: It’s Friday


My mini vacation flew by far too quickly, but I did finish my book and some of my coursework. Today is project day in all of my classes with The Trio. I shower and dress before heading down to the kitchen where I put the kettle in and begin. making breakfast. Tonight. The Trio has a game so they will need a huge breakfast.

As I am in my zone cooking, I begin to reflect on my time since–1 w that little girl alone in the woods running from bullies. Despite being human and learning of the existence of dragons and her supernatural beings, I am still that scared little girl. Maybe that dream last night wasn’t a nightmare but Instead, my subconscious saying that I should stop running because I could protect myself. There is no way that I could slay a dragon, but I could outwit one. I giggle as I flip the pancakes, I am outsmarting The Trio. Granted, it is through our shared projects but it is something. Never before would I have been so bold, especially after how they treated me when I was first brought into the Naga Tribe.

*Please say that there is more of that butterfly tea,” Conner says as he enters the kitchen while pulling his football jersey over his


“There is. Sit and I will make you a cup and make me another one.” He seems lighter than he has since I have known him, I wonder what has changed. After I made our tea, I squeezed some fresh pomegranate–orange juice into a pitcher.

“I have been meaning to ask. Why do you add pomegranate to the orange e juice on game days?” Conner inquires while sipping his


For a few reasons. Football is a strenuous sport and it is taxing on the human body, I don’t know how

w so t to dragons, but to humans the risk of injury is high and it takes a toll on your heart. Firstly, pomegranates contain polyphenol compounds called punicalagin and ellagitannin that may help prevent cancer and other conditions by stopping artery walls from thickening and reducing cholesterol and plaque buildup. So these compounds help reduce blood pressure, reduce coronary artery disease, and reduce atherosclerosis too. Secondly, pomegranates are high in fiber, which can help with digestion and protect against digestive diseases like hemorrhoids, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and colon cancer. They also contain probiotics, which support a healthy gut microbiome. Finally, they help with kidney function and promote brain health by helping to curb diseases like Alzheimer’s.”

“Being stuck with you in Mr. Chen’s class might not be so bad after all, Cassius said as he took a seat beside Conner while I started putting the pitchers and glasses on the counter as well as the heaping plates of food.

“Avery, why aren’t you wearing school colors? It is game day.” Clint asked as he entered the kitchen.

Then I remembered what happened to the shirt that the headmaster had given me when I confided in him that I could not afford to purchase one and my textbooks too. I was on my way from school to the palace when the Hoity Hags nearly ran me over with their car. It had rained for days prior so there were still huge muddy puddles and streams of water flowing into the sewers. As I avoided being struck by their car, I fell and was hit by a huge wave of muddy water. My bag spilled its contents everywhere. I hurried to gather up what I could, but my school spirit shirt was sucked into the sewer grate. “I lost mine before the first day of classes, I can not justify buying another. Besides, I never attend games anyway.”

Clint turned and left. He returned with a spirit shirt. He walked over to where I was standing behind the counter and pulled the shirt over my head. You will wear it,” he said sternly but it wasn’t his blue eyes looking back at me. It was his dragon’s Carter. I recoiled both in shock and fear. However, he failed to notice or care about my trepidation. Typical for him and well anyone, I know that I am insignificant and I will not allow myself to think otherwise But I do wonder what has gotten into The Trio.

Tleft them to talk and eat as I went to school. I sigh because the shirt smells like Clint. I can not go around smelling like him so I stopped by Mrs. Moore’s class and asked to borrow her perfume, I lied and said that I was just eager to be back and forgot to use mine. A liar isn’t something that I am, but in this case, a little white lie can’t do any harm. After stopping by Mrs. Moore’s class, 1 Visited the headmaster and thanked him for allowing me my mini vacation. Being able to study at my own pace and not have to be the brunt of the school’s jokes elevated niy–mental state. I wish that could just virtually attend classes but I understand how imperative it is to my development that I must be physically present at least for some of my classes.

The first half of my day flew by as quickly as my stent from classes, skipped lunch because I was not hungry nor did I want to risk


Chapter 17: It’s Friday

ruining Clint’s shirt because know how meticulous he is, especially hout his clothing. I was greeted by Mr. Chen, “Glad to have you back, Miss Avery. Are you ready for the titration lah? Or do you have some questions?”

“I am ready, I just wasn’t in the mood for lunch so I thought that I would come early. Is that okay?”

He nods as he goes back to grading papers, “It is. My door is always open.

Hidden Flame: Bound to the Triplet Dragon Kings

Chapter 17: It’s Friday


My mini vacation flew by far too quickly, but I did finish my book and some of my coursework. Today is project day in all of my classes with The Trio. I shower and dress before heading down to the kitchen where I put the kettle in and begin. making breakfast. Tonight. The Trio has a game so they will need a huge breakfast.

As I am in my zone cooking, I begin to reflect on my time since–1 w that little girl alone in the woods running from bullies. Despite being human and learning of the existence of dragons and her supernatural beings, I am still that scared little girl. Maybe that dream last night wasn’t a nightmare but Instead, my subconscious saying that I should stop running because I could protect myself. There is no way that I could slay a dragon, but I could outwit one. I giggle as I flip the pancakes, I am outsmarting The Trio. Granted, it is through our shared projects but it is something. Never before would I have been so bold, especially after how they treated me when I was first brought into the Naga Tribe.

*Please say that there is more of that butterfly tea,” Conner says as he enters the kitchen while pulling his football jersey over his


make me another one.” He seems lighter than he has since I have known him, I wonder what has changed. After I made

have been meaning to ask. Why do you add pomegranate to the orange e


sport and it is taxing on the human body, I don’t know how

help reduce blood pressure, reduce coronary artery disease, and reduce atherosclerosis too. Secondly, pomegranates are high in fiber, which can help with digestion and protect against digestive diseases like hemorrhoids, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and colon cancer. They also contain probiotics, which support a healthy gut microbiome. Finally, they help with kidney function and promote brain health by helping to curb diseases

stuck with you in Mr. Chen’s class might not be so bad after all, Cassius said as he took a seat beside Conner while I started putting the pitchers and glasses on the counter as well as the

aren’t you wearing school colors? It is game

to purchase one and my textbooks too. I was on my way from school to the palace when the Hoity Hags nearly ran me over with their car. It had rained for days prior so there were still huge muddy puddles and streams of water flowing into the sewers. As I avoided being struck

spirit shirt. He walked over to where I was standing behind the counter and pulled the shirt over my head. You will wear it,” he said sternly but it wasn’t his blue eyes looking back at me. It was his dragon’s Carter. I recoiled both in shock and fear. However, he failed to notice or care about my trepidation. Typical for

I was just eager to be back and forgot to use mine. A liar isn’t something that I am, but in this case, a little white lie can’t do any harm. After stopping by

as quickly as my stent from classes, skipped


It’s Friday

shirt because know how meticulous he is, especially hout his clothing. I was greeted by Mr. Chen, “Glad to have you back, Miss Avery. Are you ready

so I thought that I would come

goes back to grading

Flame: Bound to the Triplet



day in all of my classes with The Trio. I shower and dress before heading down to the kitchen where I put the kettle in and begin. making breakfast. Tonight. The Trio has a game

to reflect on my time since–1 w that little girl alone in the woods running from bullies. Despite being human and learning of the existence of dragons and her supernatural beings, I am still that scared little girl. Maybe that dream last night wasn’t a nightmare but Instead, my subconscious saying that I should stop running because I could protect myself. There is no way that I could slay a dragon, but I could outwit one. I giggle as I flip the pancakes, I am outsmarting The Trio. Granted, it is through our shared projects but it is something. Never before would I have been so bold,

tea,” Conner says as he enters the kitchen while


lighter than he has since I have known him, I wonder what has changed. After I made our tea, I squeezed some fresh pomegranate–orange juice into a

the orange e juice on game days?”


it is taxing on the

these compounds help reduce blood pressure, reduce coronary artery disease, and reduce atherosclerosis too. Secondly, pomegranates are high in fiber, which can help with digestion and protect against digestive diseases like hemorrhoids, gastroesophageal

stuck with you in Mr. Chen’s class might not be so bad after all, Cassius said as he took a seat beside Conner while I started putting the pitchers and glasses on the

is game day.” Clint asked as he entered

I confided in him that I could not afford to purchase one and my textbooks too. I was on my way from school to the palace when the Hoity Hags nearly ran me over with their car. It had rained for days prior so there were still huge muddy puddles and streams of water flowing into the sewers. As I avoided being struck by their car, I fell and was hit by a huge wave of muddy water. My bag spilled its contents everywhere. I hurried to gather up what I could, but my school spirit shirt was sucked into the sewer grate. “I

was standing behind the counter and pulled the shirt over my head. You will wear it,” he said sternly but it wasn’t his blue eyes looking back at me. It was his dragon’s Carter. I recoiled both in shock and fear. However, he failed to notice or care about my trepidation. Typical for him and well anyone, I know that I am insignificant and

and eat as I went to school. I sigh because the shirt smells like Clint. I can not go around smelling like him so I stopped by Mrs. Moore’s class and asked to borrow her perfume, I lied and said that I was just eager to be back and forgot to use mine. A liar isn’t something that I am, but in this case, a little white lie can’t do any harm. After stopping by Mrs. Moore’s class, 1 Visited the headmaster and thanked him for allowing me my mini vacation. Being able to study at my own pace and not have to be the brunt of the school’s jokes elevated niy–mental state. I wish that

as my stent from classes, skipped lunch because I was not


It’s Friday

how meticulous he is, especially hout his clothing. I was greeted by Mr. Chen, “Glad to have you back, Miss Avery. Are you ready for the titration lah? Or do you

mood for lunch so I thought that I would come early. Is

nods as he goes back to grading papers, “It is. My door

Bound to the



my coursework. Today is project day in all of my classes with The Trio. I shower and dress before heading down to the

begin to reflect on my time since–1 w that little girl alone in the woods running from bullies. Despite being human and learning of the existence of dragons and her supernatural beings, I am still that scared little girl. Maybe that dream last night wasn’t a nightmare but Instead, my subconscious saying that I should stop running because I could protect myself. There is no way that I could

as he enters the kitchen


make you a cup and make me another one.” He seems lighter than he has since I have known him, I wonder what has changed. After I made our tea, I squeezed



it is taxing on the human body, I don’t know

pomegranates contain polyphenol compounds called punicalagin and ellagitannin that may help prevent cancer and other conditions by stopping artery walls from thickening and reducing cholesterol and plaque buildup. So these compounds help reduce blood pressure, reduce coronary artery disease, and reduce atherosclerosis too. Secondly, pomegranates are high in fiber, which can help with digestion and protect against digestive diseases like hemorrhoids, gastroesophageal

Cassius said as he took a seat beside

aren’t you wearing school colors? It is game day.” Clint asked as he entered

to the palace when the Hoity Hags nearly ran me over with their car. It had rained for days prior so there were still huge muddy puddles and streams of water flowing into the sewers. As I avoided being struck by their car, I fell and was hit by a huge wave of muddy water. My bag spilled its contents everywhere. I hurried to gather up what I could, but my school spirit shirt was sucked into the sewer grate. “I lost mine before the first day of classes, I can not justify buying another. Besides, I never attend games

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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