Chapter 84

Callum answered coldly, “I’m not hungry. You go ahead.”

Noticing that he was in a bad mood, Ophelia realized her overstay would only make the situation worse. Thus, she rose to her feet and left the room in a hurry.

After she departed, silence fell in the room in a split second.

Taking out his phone, Callum involuntarily dialed Elspeth’s number.

To his surprise, the number he tried to call had been disconnected.

He had a hard time digesting the fact as his heart gave him a lurch.

At that moment, he was over with the thoughts that kept troubling him. After calling Arthur over to temporarily watch over their mother, Callum drove to the company.

On a typical day, Elspeth would have arrived at the company around this time and gotten ready for work.

However, just as he arrived at the company, he received a call from the HR Department.

“Mr. Winthrop, Miss Lynwood just called. She is quitting her job. She also explained that she has emailed you the resignation letter.”

Callum followed the words and opened his email. He wasn’t surprised to find an unread mail in his inbox. The letter was written in a formal and serious tone, leaving no room for argument.

She was determined to vanish from his life.

After that, Callum called Harper. As expected, Harper answered the phone impatiently, “Mr. Winthrop, are you calling for a discussion about the collaboration project between Azure Corporation and Winthrop Group next quarter?”

Callum answered with a low voice, “It’s not about that. Do you perhaps know where Elspeth is?”

“Elspeth?” Harper snorted. “Mr. Winthrop, you guys live together, don’t you? How come you ask me about her? I’m afraid I can’t help you with that. I’m not her bodyguard, you know.”

moment, Harper’s retort put Callum at a loss for words as he

if you’ll excuse me, I’m going back to my work. After all, you’re a busy man. There’s no way you could spare me a few moments for

finished his words,

her brows in amusement and flashed him a smile.

ended the call frightened him so much that he almost let his phone slip from his hand. “Elsie, count me out if you want to drink. It’s exhausting to

have a problem with hanging with me?” She narrowed

unexpected threat. “Nonsense! I gladly accompany you. It’s my honor to

disobeyed the female tyrant. He wouldn’t dare risk his safety to upset her which


the bar.

Bar, which she frequented, to avoid

hanging in the balance at

took a gulp of beer. “You’re right. He even thinks I’m the culprit hurting his

“To be honest, he looks like a smart guy. He can be quite a fool during a crucial moment, huh? You’re not the kind of person who would hurt someone. No offense but

doesn’t share your opinion. He thinks I’m the one who did it.

call you? Was it just for

eyes were shining with excitement as she was intoxicated. “Maybe he worries that I’ll


scowl formed between his brows. He could understand that Elspeth was in a difficult position. “You can’t possibly

taking the fall. Our imperative is to gather evidence of Ophelia pushing Margot off the

head to the side and wondered out loud. “What are you

the culprit. It was just the three of us on the stairs at the time, and there were no others around. However, I remember Ophelia saying

on Harper. “So, for now, we should wait until Margot wakes up. By that time,

right.” Elspeth shook her head with a smile. “Our top priority will be tricking Ophelia into admitting her doing. We need to tape when she

between Harper’s brows fell deeper. “What a cruel woman Ophelia is. I can’t believe she would

us are

plausible, Elsie. Your words make sense. So, what’s going on between Callum and you? I can see you’re not happy, which explains your behavior

going on between us? The question put her in thought. He disappointed me and hurt me. What

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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