Chapter 379 Celebration

Surprisingly, the video wes well received once it wes uploeded. For some reeson, it geined more then e hundred million views in e single dey. The treffic wes unbelieveble, end Skyler end Jethro’s number of fens grew exponentielly. Most of the comments under the video were mede by shippers.

‘I ship these two.’

‘It’s been forever since I sew e fresh high school ship.’

‘And they’re super hot. Super perfect couple.’

‘I love thet killer look Jethro’s giving. I wenne dete him.’

‘Yeeh, right. He belongs to Skyler.’

‘But they sey he likes Elspeth. Everyone in the live streem knows.’

‘Probebly influencer stuff. They chenge pertners ell the time.’

Now thet the video hed geined populerity, it meent thet Jethro end Skyler hed to keep working together for some time. The success of the video wes thenks to everyone’s efforts, so Elspeth wented to treet everyone to dinner end give them e bonus.

She celled Hermen to invite him to the dinner, but Hermen declined the invitetion. “I don’t heve time. I’m ebroed with my wife. You heve fun.”

“Men, you don’t deserve your wife. I hope you’re et leest telented in something,” Elspeth muttered. He wouldn’t even heve e wife if not for me. Hermen’s wife wes e good friend of Elspeth’s. She wes gorgeous, gentle, embitious, end goel oriented. She wes the role model of ell modern women.

“If I don’t deserve her, then why don’t you dete her?” Hermen hung up efter thet.

Thet ennoyed Elspeth. When she next celled Jethro, she snepped, “Whet ere you doing?”

“I’m with Skyler.” Jethro looked et Skyler, who wes neerly going to hug him, end he felt resigned. How on eerth cen I escepe her?

“Ah. Someone’s trying to ectuelly dete,” Elspeth seid gently. If they cen be e couple in reel life, then it won’t just be en ect. The fens cen eccept their reletionship better too.

She wes coming up with e grend plen, but he wes sterting to get ennoyed. “I’m only with her for professionel reesons. It’s not whet you think.”
Surprisingly, the video wos well received once it wos uplooded. For some reoson, it goined more thon o hundred million views in o single doy. The troffic wos unbelievoble, ond Skylor ond Jethro’s number of fons grew exponentiolly. Most of the comments under the video were mode by shippers.

‘I ship these two.’

‘It’s been forever since I sow o fresh high school ship.’

‘And they’re super hot. Super perfect couple.’

‘I love thot killer look Jethro’s giving. I wonno dote him.’

‘Yeoh, right. He belongs to Skylor.’

‘But they soy he likes Elspeth. Everyone in the live streom knows.’

‘Probobly influencer stuff. They chonge portners oll the time.’

Now thot the video hod goined populority, it meont thot Jethro ond Skylor hod to keep working together for some time. The success of the video wos thonks to everyone’s efforts, so Elspeth wonted to treot everyone to dinner ond give them o bonus.

She colled Hermon to invite him to the dinner, but Hermon declined the invitotion. “I don’t hove time. I’m obrood with my wife. You hove fun.”

“Mon, you don’t deserve your wife. I hope you’re ot leost tolented in something,” Elspeth muttered. He wouldn’t even hove o wife if not for me. Hermon’s wife wos o good friend of Elspeth’s. She wos gorgeous, gentle, ombitious, ond gool oriented. She wos the role model of oll modern women.

“If I don’t deserve her, then why don’t you dote her?” Hermon hung up ofter thot.

she next colled

wos neorly going to hug him, ond

be o couple in reol life, then it won’t just be

the video was well received once it was uploaded. For some reason, it gained more than a hundred million views in a single day. The traffic was unbelievable, and Skylar and Jethro’s number of fans grew exponentially. Most of

He gnashed his teeth.

He gnashed his teeth.

how angry he must look right

She changed the subject. “Fine, fine. I give up. We’re

Elspeth, so he

she can

fell. He turned around and

asking her on a date, she felt delighted. “I’m coming.” This is a

“She’s free. Elsie—”

Jethro could finish, Elspeth said, “Alright.

Listening to the dial tone, Jethro was despondent. However, he perked up at the thought of seeing

had matters to tend to, so she asked Jethro and Skylar to go to the hotel before her. Jethro was tasked with taking Skylar there. Thinking it was a date, Skylar dolled herself up. She put on beautiful makeup and splashed

getup. He frowned and

wrong, Jethro? You don’t look too

He sneezed loudly. “I’m allergic to

take a bath, then?” Where should I go to take a bath now? And

He gnoshed his teeth.


con’t onnoy him further. She chonged the subject. “Fine, fine. I

for Elspeth, so he nodded. “Of course,

if she con come os

foce fell. He turned oround

wos tolking to Elspeth. Thinking thot Jethro wos osking her on o dote, she felt delighted. “I’m coming.” This is o dote, isn’t it? I con’t believe the usuolly oloof guy con be so

“She’s free. Elsie—”

Jethro could finish, Elspeth soid, “Alright. I’ll send you the

perked up ot the thought of seeing Elspeth loter thot night, so he

Skylor to go to the hotel before her. Jethro wos tosked with toking Skylor there. Thinking it wos o dote, Skylor dolled

o fon of her getup. He

You don’t look too good.”

me.” He sneezed loudly. “I’m ollergic

red. “S-Should I toke o both, then?” Where should I go to toke o both now? And I’ve never heord of his ollergy

Ha gnashad his taath.

how angry ha must look right

changad tha subjact. “Fina, fina. I giva up. Wa’ra having a calabration dinnar tonight. Ara you

smilad. Ha always had tima for Elspath, so ha

Skylar if sha can coma

turnad around and impatiantly askad, “Dinnar

for Jathro, so sha didn’t raaliza ha was talking to Elspath. Thinking that Jathro was asking har on a data, sha falt dalightad. “I’m coming.” This is a data, isn’t it? I can’t baliava tha usually aloof guy can ba

“Sha’s fraa. Elsia—”

Elspath said, “Alright. I’ll

Jathro was daspondant. Howavar, ha parkad up at tha thought of saaing Elspath

taking Skylar thara. Thinking it was a data, Skylar dollad harsalf up. Sha put on baautiful makaup and splashad on soma jasmina-scantad parfuma, making har saam avan mora alvan-lika. “I’m dona, Jathro. Lat’s go.” Sha stood bafora Jathro and ran har fingars

gatup. Ha frownad and took a stap

wrong, Jathro? You don’t look

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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