Chapter 5
3 Years Later –
“Williams Benjamin is still looking for you, Layla. “Alpha Marcus sighs.
I am sitting in his office in front of him. He is a kind man who seems to be in his 30s even when he celebrated his 45th birthday a few days ago. His bright blue eyes and black hair make him appear younger than his age.
I release a heavy breath and take my eyes off him. There is nothing I can say to him anymore.
Three years ago, I fled Alpha Benjamin with my unborn baby girl. I thought they will return Alpha Alexander’s money and stop looking for me after some time but they are still searching for me. It is starting to worry Alpha Marcus who was kind enough to offer me shelter and a job in his pack despite knowing I am a wolfless young girl with nothing to offer him.
His kindness has gotten him in trouble now. Alpha Benjamin keeps calling him to inquire about me now and then. Alpha Marcus fears that if he found out about my stay here, a war will break out and he will lose because this pack is not made for wars. They are peaceful people who like to lead a calm life.
You don’t need to worry. Layla. We will protect you until we can but you must be aware that if he arrives here someday, you have to hide and if things escalate, you must run, “His soft voice sounds in my ears.
I pick up my head and give him a weak smile. He is like a father who worries about me without demanding anything in return. I will hate to put him or anyone else here in danger.
Thank you. Alpha Marcus, for always protecting me. If it was not for you, I don’t know what I would have done. “I whisper.
You are a strong girl. You would have figured something out. “He smiles at me gently.
He never takes credit for his help. It’s something that got me attached to him in the first place.
– Thank you. “I mumble, getting up from the chair.
“Off to the diner?” He asks, lifting his brow.
I nod. It’s time for my shift.”
How is Ayla doing? It’s been days since you brought her to meet me. “Alpha Marcus complains.
A smile lights my lips at the mention of her. My sweet daughter who is the reincarnation of a devil for sure.
“You should be happy I didn’t bring her. “I chuckle.
Why? Did she learn something new again?” He joins my laughter.
“I got her a water gun. Now she goes around the place shooting water at everyone she sees. The whole cottage becomes a pool by the time I get home from the diner. “I shake my head.
“That’s brutal but I am sure she will grow out of this phase soon. “Alpha Marcus grins.
“She gets bored easily. “I sigh happily
My heart feels a tug every time I mention her. It’s like I can feel a surge of delight and peace inside me at the mere thought of her. She is my world and my light. She brought me out of the darkness when I needed it the most. If it was not for her, I wouldn’t have made it our of that d a m n d pock.

15:41 Thu, 16 May G
Chapter 5
Bring her to meet me sometime. He tells me

“I will, Alpha, “I promise him before leaving his office.
After that, I go straight to Burger and Shakes. It’s a diner run by Mr. and Mrs. Harrison. They are the Ga m m a couple of this. pack and like the rest of the pack members, they are caring and loving.
Just as I enter the diner, I walk to the counter. Mrs. Harrison is standing behind it. She smiles when she sees me coming.
“No one yet?” I look around the empty place.
“There is some party at the school so most of the hight schoolers are there.” She shrugs and gestures at me to get behind the
High school, education, career–all of these seem so foreign to me now. I remember how I loved to learn new things and then my parents
is died. Alpha Benjamin made me drop out of school because he believed my future was dark anyway and he didn’t need to waste money on me. I didn’t know his true face back then so I argued that I could pay with the money my parents left behind for me, but it turned out, he had taken everything as his own. He was not going to give me a dime from my parents money.
Why the sad face?” Mrs. Harrison asks as I pull the apron out from the drawer.
“It’s nothing. “My smile weakens.
She stares at me with her brown eyes but doesn’t say anything. She is used to my sudden mood changes. One moment I am happy and the next. I remember something from my past which makes me go silent and sad.
I have not healed because there is too much that was taken from me and even then, I am the one who has to feel bad and hide from them. This feels wrong.
The day goes on as usual. A few people come and leave the diner after having their meals or shakes. Mrs. Harrison works with me and tries to distract me from the negative thoughts in my head.
When my shift ends, she turns to me and engulfs me in her arms. I have spent the whole day thinking about my past once again. She knows it, and that’s what she does whenever I am sad.
I chuckle, hugging her back.
If I had a kid, she would have been like you.” She murmurs in my ear.
My heart fills up with a sense of calmness like never before. I blink so the tears don’t well in my eyes.

Don’t be sad. It will affect Ayla. You need to be happy for her. Do you understand?” She tells me before separating body from mine.
Inod and look down at the printed design floor. She pats my cheek before she faces the man on the other side of the
I remove the apron and make my way out of the diner. It’s time I get home to my Ayla.
It’s a twenty-minute walk from the diner to the cottage Alpha Marcus gave me. It’s close to the pack border and out of sight for most of the pack members. He gave it to me because he thought that if I was away from the pack compound and close to the border, I could easily make a run if the need arises.
I am grateful to him for everything he has done for me. I can’t repay him in this life.
When I cover the distance to my house, I find the cottage in the woods staring back at me. It’s not too big, just a small place with one room, one sitting area, a kitchen, and a bathroom.

Chapter 5
The outside lights are on and so are the lights in. I look up at the sky which has darkened before shaking my head and climbing the three front stairs.
The sound of laughter drifts to my ears from inside. It’s a male sound that makes me smile.
I open the door to find my daughter shooting water at the man running around. He dodges the attack of water and it lands
on the wall
Ayla, baby, “I grin.
Mommy!” She snickers, dropping her gun right away.
She sprints to me the next moment and wraps her tiny arms around my legs. I bend down and pick her up in my arms. Her small hands go behind my nape as she boops her nose with mine.

Why sho late?” Her pink lips pucker out.
I brush her black hair away from her forehead and look into her silver eyes. Sometimes, I find them so familiar and it scares
Mommy.” She whines.
I smile and kiss both her cheeks.
– Where is Amara?” I ask her.
She lefsht. Sho. Theo tame.” She tells me with the same pout on her lips.
“There was some event in her school so she had to leave early. She called me to inform me about it. So, I came to look after Ayla until you came back. “Theodore’s deep voice tells me as he approaches us
She should have told me. “I glance at the man in front of me.
He is the definition of masculinity. His broad shoulders and built body is hard to ignore. My eyes rise to his face which has a chiseled jaw, soft thick lips, and a pair of bright blue eyes. He is Alpha Marcus’ son and the man who forced me to become his friend just when I arrived in this pack.
“She knows you were busy in the diner. “He smiles at me, and the shine in his eyes intensifies meaningfully.
I swallow my saliva and look back at Ayla who is glancing between me and Theo. She likes to think of him as her chosen Daddy and wants me to accept it as well.
You are busy too. You can’t continue to drop your work and come here, Theo. “I sigh.
* 1 missed Ayla. I had to come to see her anyway.” He makes an excuse instantly.
“You mished me? That’s not what you shaid before. You shaid you mished Mommy. “Ayla chimes.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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