Chapter 9
The silver wolf with red eyes growls at me before sprinting in my direction. Ayla wakes up due to my scream and looks at the wolf approaching us.
Ay—Ayla baby. “I press her head into my chest and turn around before running towards the forest.
The growl follows me into the woods. It’s a rogue wolf. Their eyes turn red when they go mad.
*Mommy! Ayla yells in her small voice.
It’s fine. It’s fine, baby. “I chant and continue to run as fi
run as fast as I can.
If I outrun the wolf into the pack’s territory, patrol guards will protect us.
My thoughts come to an abrupt halt when something huge lands on my back. I lose my footing and fall forward. My hand closes around Ayla’s head and spine to save her from the fall but her screams of pain tell me I haven’t succeeded in protecting her from the harm.
My heart tears apart when the screams stop
stop and she goes silent
Ayla! I yell, trying to push myself back
The straps of my backpack have broken and it has ended up somewhere behind. My back hurts as if something has torn past my flesh and scorched my bones.
Ayla. Ignoring the pain, I get to my knees.
My baby is still cradled into my arms but she is not saying anything. I don’t get the time to pull her face out of my chest and see it. The loud growl coming from behind has my blood running cold in my veins.
I softly place my baby down on the ground and leap for the fallen branch of the tree lying in front of me.
Turning around, I cover her body with mine and face the wolf. The red eyes are so close to me that I am surprised how the rogue has not ripped me apart by now,
“You won’t get my baby.” I shudder as pain increases in my back.
Shaking my head and the drowsiness, I grip the branch in both hands and widen my stance to fight the wolf
The wolf growls and lunges at me. I swing the branch in the air but the wolf catches it between his teeth and shakes me so hard that I lose my balance,
I fall on my back on the muddy ground. The wolf’s teeth snap open and close in my face. The only thing saving my face from getting chopped is the branch in my hand.
My heart pounds in my chest. My whole body shakes like a leaf as I try to kick the wolf away.
The wolf pulls the branch and I lose my grip on it. I gasp as the wolf turns his hand towards me.
I have nothing to defend myself anymore. If I die, the wolf won’t leave my Ayla either.
I have to make the decision in milliseconds. Sweat coats my whole body as my arm shoots out, getting caught between the wolf’s teeth.
The wolf snorts, tasting blood. The red rains down like water on my face. Bloodcurdling screams erupt from my mouth. His

Chapter 9
teeth sink into my flesh and then my bones, sending a pain so intense down the length of my arm that I almost lose
Weakly, I pick up my left hand and try to poke the wolf’s eye but I can’t see. I see four eyes instead of two. Two heads instead
of one.
I blink. My reactions all slow down. My heartbeat sounds in my ears as I stare up at the wolf who is mercilessly chewing on
my arm
Please, Goddess Selene.
Please, save Ayla.
He-Help my baby. I croak in a soft voice.
Plea Please, Goddess.”
As if my prayer gets answered, the wolf is s n a t c h e d away from me. A chunk of my flesh goes with his sharp teeth, rendering me weak with agony.
I blink, trying to clear my hazy vision, to see the broad naked back of the man standing in front of me.
He stands tall and proud as if the huge rogue doesn’t scare him. His fearless stance makes my insides warm with a hot liquid.
The wolf attacks him again. The man grabs his head before he can snap his teeth shut around his face. I hold my breath as the man tugs and tears the wolf’s head in half with his bare hands.
A breath of horror whooshes out of me at the b l o o d y sight. The man leaves the dead wolf on the ground and turns to me.
His face remains blurry in my sight. He walks closer to me, leaving me unable to breathe. I recognize the precise and calculative walk. I know the broad shoulders and tight muscles..
His handsome face becomes clear in the darkness. There is a dark look in his silver eyes that resemble the moon. Electricity warms my heart and my body as he walks closer.
He came. He is the answer to my prayer tonight. The man who wants to make me suffer is my savior. My mate. Ayla’s Daddy My nemesis.
He stiffens when he closes the distance. His head snaps in Ayla’s direction. He inhales a deep breath as if sniffing for something.
The reality clicks in my dizzy mind. Wolves can recognize their children, their siblings, and their parents by their scents. It’s because of the blood bond that they share
My child. He whispers in a surprised voice.
My heart drowns. I turn my head slightly and feel pain shooting throughout my body. I am lying in the pool of my blood, weak and on the verge of death, and the man who claimed he will take away my child is right here.
My baby.” He growls, kneeling close to the lump on the ground.
The huge man picks up my small baby in his arms. A strange warmth spreads in my body, seeing him holding her for the first time. I forget about the animosity between us and his promises—All I see is my baby with her Daddy. She yearned for him all these years.
Alpha Alexander stares at Ayla’s unconscious face for a few moments. My heart drums behind my eyes as I look at them. He seems to be at a loss for words, and a loss for reactions
It’s my child. “He whispers.
Chapter 9
서후 77%
teeth sink into my flesh and then my bones, sending a pain so intense down the length of my arm that I almost lose consciousness.
Weakly, I pick up my left hand and try to poke the wolf’s eye but I can’t see. I see four eyes instead of two. Two heads instead of one.
I blink. My reactions all slow down. My heartbeat sounds in my ears as I stare up at the wolf who is mercilessly chewing on
my arm.
Please, Goddess Selene.
Please, save Ayla.
“He-Help my baby. I croak in a soft voice.
“Plea — Please, Goddess.”
As if my prayer gets answered, the wolf is s n a t c h e d away from me. A chunk of my flesh goes with his sharp teeth, rendering me weak with agony.
I blink, trying to clear my hazy vision, to see the broad naked back of the man standing in front of me.
He stands tall and proud as if the huge rogue doesn’t scare him. His fearless stance makes my insides warm with a hot liquid.
The wolf attacks him again. The man grabs his head before he can snap his teeth shut around his face. I hold my breath as the man tugs and tears the wolf’s head in half with his bare hands.
A breath of horror whooshes out of me at the b l o o d y sight. The man leaves the dead wolf on the ground and turns to me.
His face remains blurry in my sight. He walks closer to me, leaving me unable to breathe. I recognize the precise and calculative walk. I know the broad shoulders and tight muscles.
His handsome face becomes clear in the darkness. There is a dark look in his silver eyes that resemble the moon. Electricity warms my heart and my body as he walks closer.
He came. He is the answer to my prayer tonight. The man who wants to make me suffer is my savior. My mate. Ayla’s Daddy. My nemesis.
He stiffens when he closes the distance. His head snaps in Ayla’s direction. He inhales a deep breath as if sniffing for something.
The reality clicks in my dizzy mind. Wolves can recognize their children, their siblings, and their parents by their scents. It’s because of the blood bond that they share.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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