Chapter 14
I reach the border and turn off the engine. Alpha Alexander’s warriors are gathered around the area in their human forms which makes me sigh in relief. If they haven’t shifted yet, it means the war is not on.
I move through the crowd, carning curious looks from others. Ignoring them altogether, I aim for the front where I am sure Alpha Alexander must be.
As expected, he is standing in the front line, staring at the army of warriors in the distance. I take my eyes off his back which is to me and focus on the people of my pack. Theo is the one leading the warriors of the Lotus Pack, and he hasn’t noticed
me yet.
I hasten my steps to get to Alpha Alexander faster. Theo’s gaze diverts to me when he sees me emerging through the crowd. “Layla. His eyes darken in anger and worry.
I swallow, facing Alpha Alexander who has turned around to watch me. His eyes are void of any emotion, making it hard for me to tell what he is feeling or thinking at this moment.
My heart pounds in my chest as I end the little distance between us and stand in front of him.
“We need to talk. Alpha Alexander. “I whisper, conscious of all the eyes on us.
His blazing eyes on me make me shudder. He takes a step ahead. His chest brushes my body. I stumble back.
“I don’t believe we have anything to talk about.” He says, smirking.
“I don’t want this war. Please, stop it. “I shake my head.
“Why do you think I care about what you want, Layla” His voice lowers.
Hear pools in my belly at the sound of my name. I don’t think I will ever stop finding it so hot when he says it
It’s meaningless. “I utter.
“How so?” He wonders.

I look into his eyes. My tongue loosens in my mouth momentarily. He is just too—handsome. And he is supposed to be my mate, my protector, my shield.
But he is none of them.
I am staying here. Let me talk to Theo. We can sort this out. You don’t need to fight a war over me. “I tell him, ignoring the pain in my heart.
Who told you Lam fighting a war over you? “Alpha Alexander rolls his eyes.
I press my lips in a thin line. It’s so hard to get something into his head.
They tr e s p a s s e d on my border. Now, they must pay for it.” He seethes.
I step into his body furiously, Sparks explode behind my eyes but they are not enough to subdue the frustration I feel
towards him.
*They came for me and they will leave, Alpha Alexander. You won’t harm them. “I assert, staring deep into his eyes.
Chapter 14
Surprise crosses his face at my tone. I take notice of it but I am not backing down now.
Why do you think I will listen—”
*I am going to talk to them now. Call off your warriors. There is going to be no war today. “I cut in and move past him.
My heart flutters in my chest. I don’t know where I am getting this courage.
His hand closes around my wrist. I halt and glance at him from over my shoulder. He jerks at my arm, tugging me back into his body. His inviting scent overpowers my senses, knocking out the fake courage.
– I like this feisty attitude but it won’t work with me. His reddening face comes into my view.
I tremble against his vast body. His hands drop to my waist before lowering down to my butt and giving it a squeeze in a warning.
Iyelp, shocked out of my mind. He just squeezed my a s s in front of the people of his pack and my pack. I can sense the air charging with surprise and interest.
Leave her. “I hear a growl from the distance. It’s Theo.
I place my hands over his and pull them off my a s s c h e e ks . What is this man doing? Is he mad?
My cheeks heat up in embarrassment as I step away from him. Satisfaction fills Alpha Alexander’s eyes. He managed to shut me up.

Is he one of your flings?” He points behind him.
I don’t dare look at Theo who must be fuming. My eyes narrow down on Alpha Alexander who is having fun in this grave situation.
“He is the man who took care of Ayla when you were not there. He is like a father to her and undoubtedly he is far better than you. “I scoff.
Alpha Alexander’s icy glare makes me close my mouth. I swallow my saliva and stare back at him defiantly.
“What else is he good at taking care of?” He sneers, glaring at me.
I know what he is implying. It makes my heart drop into the pit of my stomach nervously.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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