Chapter 61
When I wake up in the morning. I find my two shoulders numb and weighed down completely. I open my eyes to find Ayla nccupying my one side and her Daddy claiming the other. The uncanny resemblance in their possession of my upper body
testament that both share the same intereste
It takes me at least half an hour to wake up both of them as they keep asking me for five more minutes after five minutes. Aher freeing myself, 1 roll my shoulders and back to relieve the ache while both of them disappear inside the bathroom to freshen up
It feels like a good morning finally. I glance at the window and find the sun already high up. We must have slept for a long time given that we couldn’t sleep for the past days. At least everything is great now,
With that thought and relief, I start my day. We all eat breakfast together like we did the night before. Daphne makes sure Ayla gets her m u f i n s while I make her favorite pancakes and bring them to the table.
After breakfast, Ayla spends most of the time attached to Alpha Alexander’s side. He treats her patiently and treats me politely in front of her. The calmness in the present makes me almost forget that something even happened before. But the period of that relief is short.
Because Ayla jumps on any loud voice or keeps glancing over her shoulder to watch her surroundings. Alpha Alexander and I can notice that but we don’t say anything in front of her.
Silently, I decide to get her some professional help to get over this trauma before it becomes worse.
Most of my day is spent with the same thought while I see my Baby coloring or playing around. Alpha Alexander sits beside me on the couch, casually keeping an eye on Ayla like me.
When it’s lunchtime, we eat together once again before resuming our watch over our daughter. Daphne and Levi join us and try to play with her but she withdraws in herself, not wanting anyone to disturb her while she is drawing.
So, we settle down on the couches and engage in casual talk. Despite Daphne’s attempts to change the atmosphere, nothing really works
When night falls. I push for an early dinner because I can see Alpha Alexander checking the time on his watch after every
“I am going with you. “I whisper in his ear before placing the pasta dish on the table.

Ayla is sitting in his lap, reaching for the d a m e d muttins again. She is oblivious to our plan of leaving her for some time, and I am hoping that she won’t notice our absence. But if she does, Daphine will manage her, I am sure.
I sit down on the right chair, shooting a serious look at Alpha Alexander. He frowns, not liking the idea of my company Tonight
Aller we
are done with the dinner, we go back to our room and put Ayla to bed. Alpha Alexander lies down behind me while my Baby lies in front, already drifting to sleep.
“Are you ready to do every f u c k i n g thing they demand?” He rasps in my ear angrily.
“I will do anything for my Baby “I retort, patting Ayla’s stomach lightly.
not a joke, Layla. The situation can become real f u c k i n g bad.” He warns.
17:07 Mon, 20 May MTB
Chapter 61
“I don’t care. I am coming with you. That’s it. “I whisper as Ayla starts to snore
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Alpha Alexander goes silent for a while. When I sense Ayla going into deep sleep, I take my hand off her stomach and attempt to get up.
He is quicker on his feet than me. I sigh, covering Ayla with a blanket and getting down from the bed.
“You are not going without me. “I whisper, seeing him starting to walk towards his closet room.
“Go get ready. He grumbles, giving me the go-ahead.
“Can you mindlink Levi to send Daphne here? “1 ask.
She is already on her way. “Alpha Alexander reveals and closes the door.
The door to the room opens without a knock right when he disappears from my sight. I turn to look at Daphne who eyes my sleeping Baby and cautiously walks inside.
“You are really going with him?” She inquires, approaching me.
“I have to go Daphne. And you have to take care of Ayla until I come back. “I release a shallow breath.
Don’t worry.” She gives me an assuring smile. “I will look after my Sunshine and you will rock the world of those f u c e r s.
Thanks, D. “I whisper and hug her.
*Don’t thank me. Ayla is dear to me. She whispers sofily.
I nod quickly and go back to my room to find a dress for myself in my insufficient wardrobe. However, when I enter my room. I find a huge box already sitting on the bed, waiting for me.
I walk closer to the box and pull open the lid. A black dress lays neatly folded inside it with three other boxes. I open the other boxes to find a beautiful silver mask, a pair of black heels, a pair of gorgeous silver earrings, and a delicate bracelet.
I sigh, pulling the dress out and placing it over the bed. A card falls out from underneath it. I bend down and pick it up from the floor.
If you must go with me, then look the part. “The little note says in neat handwriting.
I don’t need to think much about who sent it because there is only one man who likes to do these things. On one side he insisted he wouldn’t take me with him, and on the other, he had everything prepared for me.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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