Chapter 68
We stay like this for a while. He holds my waist and my hand as I rest my forehead over the cold wall and regain my breath.
His c o c k starts throbbing inside me again after some time. He nibliles on my earlobe, hinting at his desire for me.
I shudder. 1—I am exhausted, Alex.”
“I know.” He whispers and plants a kiss in the crook of my neck.
What did we just do! I suck in a sharp breath and close my eyes. Embarrassment taints my cheeks.
I let him take me like a wild animal, possess me like his property, and f u c k me like his dirty w h o r e.
I try to search for the regret but all I can focus on is his c o c k which deliciously throbs inside me, wanting more, needing me as much as I need him.
I am really down for this man.
His hand runs up and down my side, helping me calm down. My body has no energy to keep going.
Slowly, he pulls his c o c k out of me. I wince, gritting my teeth.
F u c k. Did that hurt?” He asks worriedly.
Yes. It still hurts. I haven’t had–sex for a while so—“I admit truthfully.
I am so f u c k i n g sorry. I lost control, Mio Tesoro. I should have been gentle with you. This is not what I imagined f u c k i g you after so long to be like. Trust me.” He blurts, rubbing my butt.
*I liked it. I liked how you—you were so desperate for me. “I breathe, my palm trembling agaisnt the cold wall.
Alex places his hand over it and intertwines our fingers to offer his warmth. My heart misses a beat as he squeezes gently.
The fingers of his other hand slid between my drenched folds before slowly inching in, pushing his c u m back inside. My teeth clamp around my bottom lip, finding the move hot.
“I still feel it’s unfair that only I remember our first night together.” He huffs, pressing his lips to my cheek.
How did I even end up with you that night?” I moan, as his fingers scoot more of his c m and force it inside my walls.

Some f u c k e r drugged you with aphrodisiacs. You were hungry for a c o c k and I had no idea you were a virgin. When you stumbled across me, my wolf took control so he could have you. I tried to stop, really. But I had no hold over myself. I was
lost as you, and it felt so f u c k i n g good. It was heaven inside you. That’s why I couldn’t f c k a woman after I lost you. “He groans, leaving a trail of feathery kisses on my cheek, my
chin, my shoulder, and my neck. I have figured he likes pecking me after every sexual encounter and it makes me so soft for him.
You didn’t sleep with any other woman all this time?” I gasp, arching into him as his fingers continue to plunge me delicately with only one mission in mind; making his c u m stay inside me.
F u c k no. “He kisses the side of my head.
Chapter 68
What about Ariana?”My heart clenches painfully
He sighs, his fingers caressing my opening. She was my girlfriend before you came along. I broke up with her, and that’s that. It was an open relationship anyway. She knew we were only together until I found my mate.”
The pain releases me from its hold. I smile, satisfied that he has nothing going on with Ariana.
“I don’t like her. “I mumble.
He chuckles, a deep and throaty sound spreading around me. “Jealous already?
Why—Why would I be jealous? It’s only a one-time thing between us. “I utter, the pain returning.
He is done f u c k i n g me. Maybe, he is going to change now.
His fingers pause and so do his lips that were all over me. I hold my breath, relishing the feel of his touch and his stillness.
“I made myself clear, Layla. I want you to love me. That’s not for a single k . That’s for a lifetime.” He says, retracting his hand.
I bite
ΠΙΤ lower lip, unable to answer him. I already love him, but I am so scared he is going to hurt me again. He has a deep history with weak people, and I am the epitome of weak. He will realize this once again and I will be dumped. I can’t take it
*I am tired. “I whisper after a while of silence.
Surprisingly, he kisses my cheek once more before he turns me and scoops me up in his arms bridal style. My dress falls down, covering my bare body as my panties slide in place, keeping his c u m inside me. It’s truly warm everywhere now.
I glance at his stoic face as he starts walking. My arm circles his neck, seeking his support before I place my face into the crook and inhale his musky scent.
Alex carries me to my room and straight to the washroom so we are not disturbing Ayla who must be sleeping in his bed.
You can let me down now. “I tell him right after we enter
He doesn’t listen and carries me to the shower before finally letting me down on my wobbly feet. My lower r stomach aches just like my core. He really took a toll on me with his roughness. I wince, shifting my weight from one foot to another.
He steps behind me and unzips my dress. I breathe, glancing at him through the mirror wall in front of us.
Let me help. “Alex says, removing my dress and throwing it behind him.
“That’s an expensive dress.” My eyes widen, seeing the soft material discarded in the corner like it means nothing.

Did you like it?” He unclips my bra.
“I mean—I don’t like those revealing dresses but it’s still expensive. “I reason, shuddering as he removes my bra and then moves to my panties. His fingers are soft over my skin as if he is deliberately careful to not hurt me further.
“I will buy you the dresses you like.” He crouches down, tapping at my ankle to make me raise my leg.
“Why would you buy me dresses?” My lips pout.
Because I want to. And because you left your gigolo for the night some cash he invested in shares to become this rich.” He throws my c u m stained panties into the pile of clothes before the heels follow and he says sarcastically.

out laughing. That money was for your stolen shirt.

knees before me. My chest tightens as he slowly rises when he is done undressing

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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