The hospital was tucked away behind tall birch trees, keeping it in the shadows year-round. The iron gate was locked tight, and every now and then, a chilling scream would break the silence. Eliza pressed the worn-out doorbell at the entrance. A small hatch in the door slid open, revealing an unfriendly voice, "Who are you here for?"

"Hi, I'm here to see Robin."

"It's not visiting hours." The hatch slammed shut.

Eliza knocked again, more urgently this time, "Please, I just need to see him for a moment."

The hatch opened slightly, and the voice was now clearly impatient. "I already told you, it's not visiting hours."

"Then, when can I see him?"


The hatch closed again, and Eliza's heart sank. As she turned to leave, a gut-wrenching scream echoed from inside, making her grip her coat tighter.

No. She couldn't let her brother stay in there any longer.

with some essentials. She hadn't earned a dime in the two years since she married. Robin would occasionally send her some money, a

had saved up tens of thousands, enough to cover part of her mother's medical bills at the local hospital. She couldn't afford better treatment, but she could

hailed a cab to her mother's

I'm Rose's daughter. I'm

the medical records, eyes narrowing slightly.

anything. "Aaron? What are you doing

because... well, why

hospitalized here. I'm

glasses, puzzled. "Wasn't your mom at Casper's hospital? Why'd she

costs were too high. I couldn't afford it, so..." Eliza forced a sad smile, "...Aaron,

bill from her hand. "I know this place well. I'll take you to the payment


the Welton family, including Aaron, the family doctor, knew Casper and Eliza's relationship was strained. But moving Eliza's mother out of a top-notch hospital didn't sit right with Aaron. On the


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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