With her youth and beauty, Sonya figured she could leverage her status as a mom to secure a better life and maybe even become Tristan's wife.

Too bad men can be scarily calm when it comes to love. Even if Tristan adored young, pretty faces, he would never ditch his wife and kid to marry a mistress. However, he never neglected Sonya and his child.

As Zach grew older, Tristan's fondness for him grew, and he even thought about adding him to the Welton family tree. Jeffrey wasn't on board, so the idea was shelved.

Zach transferred to Eliza's high school in their senior year.

Before their final exams, he sent her love letters and asked her out for coffee, but she always turned him down.

His feelings didn't fade in college; he chased her for four long years.

She thought her marriage would make him give up, but things got crazier.

On the day she and Casper got their marriage certificate, Zach confronted them, and he ended up in a brawl with Casper. He'd recite love poems outside their house and send Casper taunting messages. Because of this, Eliza often bore the brunt of Casper's anger.

Once, Casper starved her for a week, leaving her to survive on water, which messed up her stomach.

Zach's obsession scared her. Eventually, Tristan shipped him off overseas for an MBA, finally calming things down.

all this. Why

up her phone and texted Chelsea. [Is Zach the owner

A long silence followed.

stood there, guilt and apology written all over her face.

Zach is... why would

with Casper. Zach showing up and Eliza working

divorce now became even more

Chelsea hung her head.

couldn't blame her and squeezed her hand. "I'm not mad at

always getting hassled



to almost

quit work at

a million to break the contract, but

just because he's got money?"

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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