He didn't reply to her, likely too dismissive to bother. As soon as their car rolled into the hospital parking lot and came to a stop, another car pulled up opposite them. Casper could see Zach sitting inside the car through the clear windows, and their eyes locked.

Casper's gaze sharpened with caution. "Stay in the car; don't get out," he threw the words over his shoulder to Eliza before stepping out.

As Casper approached Zach's car, Zach was already getting out. Casper's fist connected with Zach's face before he could even shut his car door. Zach staggered back a few steps, then hit the ground. Wiping the blood from his lip, Zach smirked provocatively at Casper. "Do you know why I came? Jeffrey had your dad call me over."

"Trying to snatch the inheritance? Grandpa isn't dead yet." Casper lifted his leg and kicked Zach in the head. "You think you're worthy of an inheritance?"

Zach, holding his head, didn't fight back and kept smiling. "It's up to him to decide whether I'm worthy or not, Casper. Our war has just begun."

Casper kicked him again, sending him sprawling on the ground. Pointing menacingly at Zach, Casper snarled, "Who do you think you are? A bastard with no right or honor gets to compete with me?"

"I'm not just after the Welton family's inheritance. I'm also going to take your woman, Casper. The Welton family will be mine, and so will Eliza. Don't believe me? Just wait and see."

with malice. Eliza, still in the car, couldn't hear their exchange but could clearly see Casper's fury. His fists rained down on Zach like a storm. Zach didn't

getting out of the car, was preparing to head



to see Jeffrey?" He closed

Eliza nodded slightly. "Yeah."

her hand and frowned. "What happened to

a minor burn," she said, not wanting to

"Have you treated it?"

"Not yet."

a beat, Aaron said, "Then come with me, and I'll help you get

didn't refuse. Although the burn wasn't severe, it was painful, and she didn't want it to get infected. Her hands were essential for playing the harp and for work. Aaron led

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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