Eliza paused, a flicker of surprise in her eyes. So, it was Casper who had tipped so generously.

"What's the deal with such a big tip out of nowhere? I can't accept this."

"Is it the money you can't accept or the fact that it's me tipping?" He yanked the curtain aside, his voice sharp. "Would you have taken it if it was from another guy?" Eliza had already changed her clothes. She stared at him, her expression blank, offering no explanation. She felt there was no need to elaborate.

The lawyer's business card slipped out as she rummaged through her purse for her phone. It drifted down to Casper's feet.

She quickly bent to grab it, but he stopped her with a raised hand. He picked up the card from the floor, his face darkening as he read the text.

"This is mine, give it back."

"Wow, going international with your lawyer now?" Casper pinched the card between his fingers and slapped it against Eliza's cheek. "Trying to play games with me?" She bent down to retrieve the card, tucking it away calmly. "We were bound to part ways eventually."

"Looks like I've been too lenient with you." His voice was eerily calm.

for him to yank her back, "Do you only feel the pain when I

him, a defiant glint

haven't seen Robin in a while." He lifted his chin arrogantly, looking down at her. "I bet

flickered, and she looked up at him, her voice shaky, "What have you done

to know,

his lips curling in disdain. "Kiss

hooked his arm around her

the idea of doing anything with Casper,

and offered her lips.

to kiss her? He was

Casper's car and headed

held her chest,

condition. The hospital had a large open area, but no patients were strolling around, and no doctors or nurses were in sight. It was much quieter than her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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