Having a child later in life brought Daniel immense joy. He doted on his current wife, hanging on her every word and indulging her every whim. Thanks to Daniel's wife and Eliza's relationship, Casper could easily break the ice and discuss the upcoming projects, paving the way for successful collaborations.

"Here's your dress. Go change into it," Casper said, handing Eliza a beautifully wrapped box.

Without a word, she went upstairs to change. She came back down wearing a sky-blue haute couture dress that wasn't quite her size, hanging a bit loose on her frame. Casper noticed and slightly furrowed his brow but decided not to comment.

Visiting Daniel as a future business partner was naturally out of the question. On the way there, Casper reminded her, "Daniel's project is crucial for Welton International. Be careful with your words; we can't afford to offend him."

Eliza remained silent, understanding the underlying message: mess this up, and her family would pay the price.

Before knocking on the door of Daniel's home, Casper instinctively took Eliza's hand. Eliza felt a strong aversion and wanted to pull away, but she silently gave up the attempt.

"Don't look so down," he reminded her. Eliza managed a slight smile.

When the doorbell rang, a servant opened the door for them. They had barely taken a few steps when Daniel came out to greet them.

"Mr. Casper, we're greatly honored by your visit. Please, come in."

"Daniel, you're too kind."

Daniel took the gift from Casper's hand and handed it to a servant. "Hurry,

"Right away, sir."

arched eyebrows framed a pair of bright, starry eyes, and her skin was so perfect it almost glowed. She was clearly a lady of delicate upbringing.

"And this is...?"

wife, Eliza," Casper said with a

smiled faintly,

this is your wife, I

was somewhat surprised; everyone knew Casper was married, but few had seen his wife. The internet buzzed more with rumors about Casper and Nova. Nova's looks were no match

was to love and cherish his wife. Though, in theory, this had nothing to do with business

about these things.

your wife is young and beautiful.

is a

noticing the bandages on both their hands, and joked, "It seems Mr. Casper has a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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