She was gasping for breath. Her mouth and nose were filled with water, arms flailing. "Casper... let me... out." He ignored her struggles. It was as if he was determined to scrub away every trace of Easton's touch.

Eliza's delicate skin was now marked with red trails, every inch he scrubbed leaving a bloody streak.

"Tell me, where else did he touch you?"

He was practically peeling her skin off.

Eliza had swallowed too much water, her strength ebbing away. Her body gradually stopped fighting, becoming limp, until she slid uncontrollably into the bathtub.

Just as her face slipped beneath the water, a pair of strong hands pulled her out.

"Eliza, Eliza," he tapped her face lightly. "Don't you play dead on me. We're not done here."

She didn't respond. She looked lifeless, water filling her eyes and ears.

Casper panicked, checking for her breath, his pupils shrinking in fear. "Eliza, wake up, please wake up."

"Eliza, come on, wake up."

like a cold,

bathroom, laid her on the floor, and started CPR. "I won't let you die. You can't die. Breathe, come

into her lungs. "Eliza, I promised to spare your brother. You can't die.


know how many cycles he

for a second until she let out a faint cough.

I knew

weak. Her mind

She thought for sure this time she'd

secretary sat

with a

Welton, you're in the hospital way too often. You really don't need to keep fighting with M. Casper. He's doing all


under, you

the luxuries you're used

will you?"

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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