She once offered him her warm heart, but he tossed it into a world of ice and snow. Her heart froze solid, growing harder with each icy blast. It would never revive, never beat again. "Eliza, if you want a divorce, then start behaving yourself. Maybe, just maybe, if my heart softens, I might grant you your wish."

With a rough shove, he let go of her neck. She stumbled, reaching out to steady herself, but in the process, she knocked a photo frame off the cabinet. The glass shattered with a sharp, clear sound, breaking into pieces along with the frame.

It was their wedding photo that was taken the day before they registered their marriage. She had on a rented wedding dress, and they took pictures in a simple photo studio. Casper had a stern look on his face. Despite all that, Eliza had felt incredibly happy at the time. It was the only photo of her and Casper together, one she had once cherished dearly. Casper wouldn't let it be displayed in the house, saying it disgusted him. Now that it was broken, she felt a strange sense of satisfaction.

"What do you mean by this?" Casper suddenly erupted in anger. She didn't understand why he was so furious. It was just a photo he didn't like, after all. No, it wasn't the photo he cared about; he thought she was acting out.

"I'll clean it up." She knelt down, picking up the pieces of glass. In his frustration, he grabbed her wrist and dragged her upstairs. The glass cut her fingertips, blood oozing out and leaving a trail. He dragged her into the bedroom, and she didn't understand his madness.

"I just accidentally broke it. Why must you react this way?" Her fingertips were still bleeding. It didn't hurt much, probably because the cut was deep, and the bleeding hadn't stopped. Taking a deep breath, he clutched her wrist, lifted her injured finger to his face, and began to suck on it.

pull her hand away but couldn't. He gave her

do this."

one hand, opened the drawer with the other, and took out a first-aid kit. He bit open the cap of the alcohol bottle, poured some on her wound,

in horror. Why did he suck her blood? Was

that look?" he said, a rare gentleness in his gaze. "Be

speak. Casper picked out pajamas and went to the bathroom. She cleaned up the mess on the floor and

the sky. The vast mansion was so quiet that only the chirping of insects could be heard. The Welton mansion's black painted carved door slowly opened. From the second-floor baleony, she could see car lights sweeping across the ground-floor


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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