"Quite the temper you have. Risking your life for a million dollars?" He pulled out a credit card and tossed it in front of her. "Here's the money. We're done. I owe you nothing." Eliza stayed silent.

"As for the land deal, I've already sent Faithe to handle it. The project is almost finalized, and your contribution was crucial.

"Focus on getting better in the hospital. I'll have Marian come by to take care of you.

"If you're so eager to end it all, don't do it in front of me. I'm not the one who's going to be heartbroken." His dark eyes softened, his expression turning complex. "Next time you're thinking about dying, think of your comatose mother and your crazy brother. You might find peace, but what about them?"

Eliza remained quiet the entire time.

Casper watched her for a moment from the shadows, then left.

Struggling, she propped herself up and picked up the credit card he had left behind. She called Chelsea immediately.

Chelsea arrived in no time. Seeing Eliza wrapped up like a mummy, she almost cried out in shock.

"What happened to you?" Her fingers lightly brushed over the bandages on Eliza's arm. "Were you hit by a car?"

that." She briefly explained to Chelsea what

eyes instantly

You secured that deal for him, and he didn't even want to give you a

I wasn't thinking about living or dying; I just wanted to make sure Welton International wouldn't get their hands on that land." It was her first impulsive

Casper gave me. Use it to cover Robin's expenses and keep

card as if it were burning

he still not divorcing you?" She couldn't understand why they stayed together without love. "Does Casper really not want to marry

have the same desire

development more than love and romance. "Probably, as of now, I'm still useful to

social events with Casper,

was a

good figure and

She possessed some professional knowledge and connections in the industries Welton International had recently ventured into, which meant Casper could achieve more with


"That deadbeat."


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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